Thanks for forwarding this, Willie.
From: "Willie Martin" <texan13 at>
Subject: Blessings and Curses of Ancient Israel Found in America's History -
> Following the division of the Kingdom, the House of Israel lapsed into sin
and idolatry, as the foregoing Scriptures prophesied, and later the House of
Judah followed the same course. The House of Israel and later a large part
of the House of Judah, and then the rest of Judah was carried away to
Babylon about 130 years later. At the time of Judah's captivity the House of
David was removed from Jerusalem when the daughters of Zedekiah were taken
by Jeremiah to the appointed place, the isles north and west of Palestine,
and there the union was consummated between the Zarah and Pharez branches of
Judah in the marriage of Tea Tephi of the House of David, Jeremiah's ward,
to Eochaidh, the Heremonn of Ireland, of the line of Zarah.
>> Jeremiah married the other daughter to the King of Spain. He was
instrumental in bringing to fruition the fulfillment of the riddle put forth
by Ezekiel in planting the tender twig (Tea Tephi) in the land of traffic
and in the city of merchants, by great waters. (See Ezekiel, chapter 17)
Thus the present King of England is a direct descendant of the Royal House
of David.
>> When the House of Judah had served its term of captivity a remnant
returned from Babylon with some of the tribe of Benjamin and a few Levites.
It was their task to rebuild the Temple and the city of Jerusalem for the
Lord was to come to the Temple and city where He would be rejected and
crucified by the Jews that Israel might be redeemed and salvation wrought
for all who were called and would believe on Him.
>> Under Ezra and Nehemiah the temple and city were rebuilt and at the
appointed time the Redeemer came. Rejected as King by the Jews, He suffered,
died and rose again, and the bond of brotherhood between Judah and Israel
was broken. (Zachariah 11:14)
>> The Galileans, who were of the tribe of Benjamin, accepted Christianity
whole-heartedly and became light bearers of the glad tidings of redemption
to the House of David and to Israel scattered abroad.
>> It is important here to point to a fallacy so long taught by the church
that the Jews first gave us Christianity. This is not scriptural for they
not only opposed the Redeemer and King but crucified Him and persecuted His
followers, among whom were Benjamites then living in Galilee. It was from
this tribe that chose His disciples save one, Judas, who betrayed Him.
Peter, a Galilean, was known by his speech that he was not a Jew (Matthew
26:73) while Paul tells us he was of the tribe of Benjamin (Romans 11:1)
though by religion a Jew (Acts 22:3).
>> Consider the following:
>> 1). Have the Jews been a blessing to all nations?
>> 2). Have the Jews been "Circumcised In The Heart?"
>> 3). Do the Jews glorify Jesus Christ?
>> 4). Do the Jews declare that Jesus is God?
>> 5). Do the Jews show forth the praises of Christ, God's Son?
>> 6). Have the Jews carried the message of "personal" and "national"
Salvation to the ends of the Earth?
>> 7). Do the Jewish people have God's Spirit in their hearts?
>> 8). Was the New Covenant (Testament) written to Jews or Israelites and
what is the difference between the two?
>> 9). Are the Jews the "lost sheep of the house of Israel?"
>>> 10). Are the Jews the "children of God, scattered abroad?"
>> 11). Are the Jews the servants of God?
>> 12). Are the Jews a Holy Nation and People?
>> 13). Are there any Jews mentioned in the "faith chapter" of Hebrews 11?
>> 14). Are the Jews a righteous nation?
>> 15). Are the Jews bringing forth the fruits of God's Kingdom?
>> 16). Are the Jews kind to strangers in their midst?
>> 17). Are the Jews called the "children of the living God?"
>> 18). Do the Jews admit that they are not God's People?
>> 19). Do the Jews have all of God's Word?
>> 20). Are the Jews a Great and Mighty Nation?
>> 21). Do the Jews possess the "gates of their enemies?"
>> 22). Are the Jews a "company of nations?"
>> 23). Are the Jews above all people in moral excellence?
>> 24). Are the Jews today called through Isaac?
>> 25). Have the Jews ever lost their identity?
>> 26). Have the Jews ever been called by a "new name?"
>> 27). Are the major heathen nations aligned against the Jews alone?
>> 28). Are the modern day Jews described as "a great lion?"
>> 29). Did the Jews deliver Jerusalem from the power of the heathen?
>> 30). Has the Jewish people ever had the name of "Great?"
>> 31). Have the Jews been foremost in ending slavery?
>> 32). Have the Jews been great colonizers?
>> 33). Do the Jews recognize Jesus as Messiah?
>> 34). Does your pastor teach that the "Jews are all of Israel?"
>> 35). Do you honestly know what the Bible teaches about the Jews and
>>>>>>>> The first persecution of Christians under the Roman
> Empire was instigated by the Jews. Until a few years ago
> historians generally accepted the statement of Tacitus that
> Nero had the followers of Christ thrown to the lions to
> divert suspicion from himself after he had caused Rome to
> be burned. But modern scholarship, availing tiself of other
> sources (Suetonius Clement of Rome, Tertullian) has made it
> appear that the persecution had nothing to do with the fire.
> Pooppaea, the wife of Nero, is known to have protected the
> Jews and was a Jewess. Several fairly recent historians
> believe that the Jews of Rome, working through her and
> others of their religion in the Imperial court, directed
> Nero's attention to the Christians and persuaded him that
> they were guilty of various crimes. Vide Leon Hardy Canfield,
> The Early Persecution of the Christians, New York 1913;
> J.F. Bacchus, The Neronian Peseuction, Dublin Review, 1908,
> pp. 287 et seq; Allard, Histoire des persecutions pendant
> les deux preieres siecles, Paris, 1903, pp. 43 et seq.;
> E. Th. Klette, Die Christenkatastrophe unter Nero, Tubingen,
> 1907, p. 18, the other referenes given by Mr. Canfield in this
> interesting and scholarly study. Jewish scholars admit the
> animus of the Jews against the Christians and the extraordinary
> favor shown to the former by Poppaea: for example, vide Ismar
> Elbogen, History of the Jews, Berlin, English Translation,
> Cincinnati, 1926)