brain sizes: Einstein's and women's

John Knight jwknight at polbox.com
Mon Sep 2 23:08:10 EST 2002

"Dan Holzman" <holzman at panix.com> wrote in message
news:aku75a$6nc$1 at panix1.panix.com...
> In article <tLsc9.38285$Ic7.2592590 at news2.west.cox.net>,
> John Knight <jwknight at polbox.com> wrote:
> >
> >Whether or not he, or our other Christian Founding Forefathers, or the
> >of the American population, were Christians has far more to do with
> >or not we were founded as a Christian nation, than a treaty signed with
> >Muslims.
> >
> >When was the last time you saw the US uphold a treaty with the Muslims?
> The Treaty of Tripoli remains in force, so we can start there...
> >Why are we continually in such a state of amorality.  Because of jews.
> >Because we let jews into the country.
> John doesn't realize that Jews have been in the United States before
> it was the United States.  George Washington spoke at a Synagogue at
> least once.
> >The US Constitution is based on Christian, not Talmudic, principles.
> Neither, actually.  The American notion that governments derive their
> just power from the consent of the governed is entirely unChristian.

"Can the liberties of a nation be secure when we have removed a conviction
that these liberties are the gift of God? Indeed I tremble for my country
when I reflect that God is just, that his justice cannot sleep
forever"{Thomas Jefferson}

> >And when we decided to boot the jews out, we did it as a--Christian
> Since Jews aren't being booted out of the United States, I'm willing
> to believe that you and the frog in your pocket act as a Christian
> nation in the same sense that the Conch Republic and Republic of
> Texas acts as a nation: an amusement until a line of acceptable
> behavior is crossed, a minor annoyance for law enforcement to handle
> once the line is crossed.

That's what the 600,000 jews in Germany laughed about just before WWII.

Now there are only 20,000 of them laughing, and that number is being trimmed
even further, as we speak.

Where did they go?  Mostly the US.  Why did we let them come here?  Because
we lost our minds.  Are we going to correct the problem.  Absolutely.  When
75-91% of the American agree to a solution, it's a solution that'll be
implemented  http://christianparty.net/poll.htm

John Knight

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