"Kenneth Collins" <k.p.collins at worldnet.att.net> wrote in message
news:mHCc9.6244$jG2.446940 at bgtnsc05-news.ops.worldnet.att.net...
> John Knight wrote in message
> <73tc9.38347$Ic7.2598180 at news2.west.cox.net>...
> >[...]
> >Why should you want to force yourself on White Christian Israelites
> who
> >don't want to have anything to do with you?
>>> Mr. Knoght, it's 'hilarious' that you 'think' that you could get-on
> without all the work done by the folks whom you disparage.
>> Without all of us, working together, any of us would be left
> struggling not to starve to death.
>> There'd be no 'technology', so we couldn't 'meet' online to exchange
> ideas.
>> Without all of what you term 'muddy' blood shed, including the work
> of women who 'fought' the wars in its factories, America wouldn't've
> made it through all the wars it's had to fight [and those it didn't
> have to fight, but fought anyway].
>> So, you're sittin' there, typing out your anti-this and anti-that
> ideas, supported, even as you sit there, by the sole virtue of all
> that 'muddy' stuff that gave-all that you might have the opportunity
> to Live.
>> Your 'blindness' to such is illogical, no?
>> Yup.
>> k. p. collins
Why don't you take a shot at answering the question, Kenneth, and if we ever
find we need psychological help, we'll be sure to put you at the top of the
But in the interim, which might be a long time (so don't hold your breath),
let's get back to the question at hand:
> >Why should you want to force yourself on White Christian Israelites who
> >don't want to have anything to do with you?
Why is it that the same people who "think" niggers have been discriminated
against, who sympathize with them so heartily, aren't knocking the doors
down to get into Africa? Why do they have to force themselves into my and
my fellow White Christian Israelite's industries, and churches, and
communities, and children, and private clubs, and well-functioning
institutions and schools?
Don't you realize that you do nothing but screw it up for all of us? When
you wreck an industry like the semiconductor industry by insisting that we
hire IDIOTS, which then pushes all the semiconductor (and then electronics,
and then auto and heavy industrial) industries off-shore, ALL Americans
So dispense with the ad hominems and character assassination for just a few
seconds and just answer the question: why do you force yourselves on the
White Christian Israelite Race?
What's the attraction?
Why are morons like Joni so glad that she thinks "the party is over" for the
White Race?
John Knight