brain sizes: Einstein's and women's

John Knight jwknight at polbox.com
Mon Sep 2 14:26:23 EST 2002

"Bob LeChevalier" <lojbab at lojban.org> wrote in message
news:hpf6nu4r2l8vaur3f35u98jmb4jrphtvfl at 4ax.com...
> "John Knight" <jwknight at polbox.com> wrote:
> >"Joni Rathbun" <jrathbun at orednet.org> wrote in message
> >news:Pine.LNX.4.44.0208292238260.17316-100000 at lab.oregonvos.net...
> >> > >> One hundred percent  of Fortune 500 Corporations' CEOs.
> >> > >
> >> > >Nonsense. Carly FIorina comes to mind.
> >> >
> >> > Oh, yeah...the ceo that's driving hp to bankrupcy...she was an
> >> > excellant choice. What good does affermative action do when it just
> >> > lets incompitent people in?
> >>
> >> Irrelevant. Are 100% of Fortune 500 corporation CEOs male?
> >> No. At least a half dozen are not.
> >
> >This was compiled before women were CEOs of those corporations, so if 6
> >them are now women, this would explain why our economy is imploding.
> >
> >So you win another Dewey Button For Accuracy.  It will be adjusted to 494
> >500 = 98.8%.
> Actually, as of the last Fortune 500 it was 495.  5 women in the first
> 500 and 5 in the second 500.
> http://www.fortune.com/lists/F500/500_ceo_women.html
> Of course CEO isn't the only corporate office of note.  Fortune has a
> list of the top 50 women in business, and the nincompoop will be
> disheartened to know that some of the countries he admires for their
> sexism are also including women at the top.
> http://www.fortune.com/lists/women/index_global.html

What makes you think that these countries would make the same MISTAKE we

Do you realize what's happened to confidence in the stock market since these
women were named to these positions?

What would you do if you wanted to destroy confidence in those key
industries, decimate almost all the remaining savings "invested" in the
stock market, completely undermine American industries, and do it with
nobody looking?

The precise thing to do would be to pick out key leading companies, appoint
women CEOs to head them up, put a jew in charge of the national bank,
suspend all Constitutional rights, destroy the World Trade Center and
Pentagon and a church in Bethlehem and create a diversionary "war on terror"
to keep your mind off of what's happening, and lift the last remaining
assets right out of our pockets while we focus on how STUPID these women
CEOs are and how dangerous the "Arab terrorists" are.

> Two of then head corporations in Japan, at least one in Singapore, at
> least 4 in China and Taiwan, 1 from Philippines, 1 from India, 1 from
> Turkey, 1 from Malaysia and several from Europe.  Of course we can't
> forget the woman who heads one of the larger banks of Israel with
> assets of $50 billion, which must doubly eat his gut.
> >> > >I wonder if there were any female CEOs for Worldcom or
> >> > >Enron....
> >> >
> >> > No female ceos but plenty in the higher up positions. Both companies
> >> > are now bankrupt BTW.
> >>
> >> Who were the "incompitent" (sic) in those little fiascos?
> >
> >The accountant for Enron is a jew--and that explains everything.
> Since you couldn't manage to support your own children, you cannot
> claim any superior wisdom in fiscal matters.
> lojbab

Even after it's been explained to you numerous times, you obviously still
comprehend nothing about anybody's contribution to this economy or nation,
about anyone's children, or any other personal insult or LIE you feel
compelled to propagate, lojbab, so quit looking for an excuse to change the

If anyone needs a financial adviser, you're literally the last person on the
list who'll be contacted.

John Knight

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