brain sizes: Einstein's and women's and miscegenation

Kenneth Collins k.p.collins at worldnet.att.net
Mon Sep 2 00:54:24 EST 2002

CRRECTION: misspelled proper name.

Kenneth Collins wrote in message ...
>John Knight wrote in message
><73tc9.38347$Ic7.2598180 at news2.west.cox.net>...
>>Why should you want to force yourself on White Christian Israelites
>>don't want to have anything to do with you?
>Mr. Kn[i]ght, it's 'hilarious' that you 'think' that you could
>without all the work done by the folks whom you disparage.
>Without all of us, working together, any of us would be left
>struggling not to starve to death.
>There'd be no 'technology', so we couldn't 'meet' online to exchange
>Without all of what you term 'muddy' blood shed, including the work
>of women who 'fought' the wars in its factories, America wouldn't've
>made it through all the wars it's had to fight [and those it didn't
>have to fight, but fought anyway].
>So, you're sittin' there, typing out your anti-this and anti-that
>ideas, supported, even as you sit there, by the sole virtue of all
>that 'muddy' stuff that gave-all that you might have the opportunity
>to Live.
>Your 'blindness' to such is illogical, no?
>k. p. collins

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