brain sizes: Einstein's and women's

John Knight jwknight at polbox.com
Mon Sep 2 00:34:40 EST 2002

Thank you for that correction.

And for making that excellent point.
"northern portion of Denmark, still known today as Jutland, actually means
'land of the Jews'"

The only problem with this meaning of Jutland is it confounds the meaning
and difference between Hebrews and Jews. Again, there is sloppiness or fraud
regarding the eponymic translation. This only confuses everyone. Below, is
the correct meaning of Jutland.

There were a number of other errors like this in those posts about the Irish
link to the Israelites, and they seem to all stem from a serious translation
error in the KJV.

The effect of this translation error, wherein both the Hebrew word "Yehud"
and the Greek word "Ioudaia" were translated as "Jewry", was to give the
FALSE impression, once again, that members of the Tribe of Judah or
residents of Judaea were ever known as "jew".

There's no justification for this translation error.  Most modern
translators recognize that this is a reference to "Judaea", and not "Jewry"
[whatEVER that is].

Furthermore, about the last place on the Earth where we'd expect to find
jews is Denmark, which is a country blessed with more than 92% Christians
(which is why they scored much higher than us in TIMSS and have a higher
actual family income and standard of living than us).



----- Original Message -----

Meaning of Jutland

John Knight sent:


"Denmark, the land of Dan, also comes from the ancient Israelite seafarers.
Dan was one of the tribes of Israel. And, the northern portion of Denmark,
still known today as Jutland, actually means 'land of the Jews.'"

The only problem with this meaning of Jutland is it confounds the meaning
and difference between Hebrews and Jews. Again, there is sloppiness or fraud
regarding the eponymic translation. This only confuses everyone. Below, is
the correct meaning of Jutland.

Jutland derives from the name of its inhabitants; the Jutes. The Middle
English word (plural "Jutae") is derived from the Old English term "Iotas"
or in the Old Norse form it is "Iotar." These are variations, which mean

Now, note the Greek word for Judah is Ioudas, which is pronounced
ee-oo-dah'. It is obvious to see that the Old English and Greek are the
same. John, the LIES are so thick even your "jew sensor" can't catch them
all. It's always a pleasure to add the TRUTH from time to time. Likewise, I
have appreciated the same.

In addition, Cymry, the name borne by the people of Wales to this day, is
identical with the name given to the Israel captives by the Assyrians.
Likewise, the Persians, who overthrew the Babylonian empire, always referred
to the Israelites as Sacae; the Saxons are descended from this people.

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