brain sizes: Einstein's and women's

John Knight jwknight at polbox.com
Sun Sep 1 19:55:27 EST 2002

Homer reportedly wrote the Iliad and the Odessey at about 800 BC.  Where we
used to believe it was a fable, we now know it was a detailed and accurate
historical account of the Baltic people, not the Mediterranean people.

There's a city between Turku and Helsinki in Finland called "Troja", which
is pronounced almost like "Troy".  The last time I was there, they knew
about the Viking-like boats and some well preserved bronze objects that had
been buried well before 800 BC during the Bronze Age, but didn't know what
they represented, nor that their village was the Troy described by Homer.

Now they know http://christianparty.net/homerbaltic.htm

There's evidence of this race of Baltic people all the way from Troy to
China http://christianparty.net/ladyoftarim.htm  They travelled back and
forth in those boats, but when the Baltic froze over around 800 BC, they up
and moved most of their people to the Mediterranean.

There are Holy Bible experts who believe that this is where the Israelites
came from.  iow, the Israelites didn't migrate from Judaea to Europe--it was
the other way around.  The original inhabitants of Judaea and Egypt and
Greece and Rome were partly Negroid and Berber.  These Baltic people and the
Israelites weren't.  They were "Caucasians".  They were the ones who arrived
unannounced, built the Roman Amphitheater, the Parthenon, the Pyramids, and
a whole host of other structures that we can only marvel at today, then
dispersed.  The Parthenon and other structures built 2,500 years ago all
over Greece will last another 5,000 years, while a moderate hurricane would
take out most of the structures built by the Greeks since then.

What happened to the Greeks?  They miscegenated with niggers.  Same with
Romans, and Egyptians, and the jews, and many other cultures littered around
the Mediterranean.

For all we know, Gaelic was the language of these Baltic people and they
spread it both to Ireland and Judaea.  Some of these Gaelic finds predate
Israelite timeframes.

So when Joni is celebrating because "the party is over"--she doesn't realize
that the party might be a funeral.

John Knight

"Bob LeChevalier" <lojbab at lojban.org> wrote in message
news:eij2nuops12ts8ekbpvmffr50dp5h9k9ct at 4ax.com...
> "John Knight" <jwknight at polbox.com> wrote:
> >There are a WHOLE lot of people in the world who think you jews are the
> >LIARS, Zayton.
> >
> >Now I agree with them, 100%.
> Do you really think that posting yet another person's ignorant website
> will support you claim?
> Don't you realize that this guy contradicts half the stuff posted by
> the last ignorant person you cited?
> >John Knight
> >http://www.kcnet.com/~denis/related/genealog/euro-her.htm
> ...
> >Until 10,000 B.C. Europe was dominated by the last ice age. As the great
> >fields receded, civilizations began to form, as we understand them.
> >man came to Europe perhaps as long ago as 100,000 B.C.
> Note that this guy isn't exactly a 7 day creationist.
> >During the 3rd millennium B.C. Indo-Euopeans, from north of the Black
> >spread into south-eastern Europe, introducing horses and their language
> >the region. In this area was born the Minoan and Greek cultures. With the
> >coming of the Iron Age came the Celts, Slavs and Germanic peoples of
> >Europe.
> >
> >The ancestors of our clan are predominantly of Celtic and Germanic
> >
> >The Celts, or Kelts, were really a variety of people, most of which had
> >common heritage of ancient Israel. During the Iron Age, Israelite
> >traveled through the Mediterranean and settled in France, Spain, Ireland
> >even into the Scandinavian countries.
> He claims that they were Israelite seafarers (despite there being no
> evidence that such existed).  He does NOT claim that the Celts were
> Indo-European (i.e. Caucasian)
> >Spain became known as Iberia, which is
> >derived from the name Hebrew, which, itself, comes from Eber, an early
> >patriarch of the Hebrew people.
> The last version, that it was the Milesians, DID have them come from
> north of the Black Sea, by land, and mentions Eber as one of two
> brothers who were a descendant of someone who knew Moses.  This is
> difficult to reconcile with the Biblical Eber, who was Moses'
> ancestor, to say the least.
> >Gaul, which is what early France was known
> >by, comes from Galatia, an early colony of Israel where their language
> >became known as Gaelic, and, in fact, the Celtic language as a whole was
> >known as Gaelic.
> Hilarious.  Galatia was founded by two groups of Gaul mercenaries
> hired from northern Greece in 278 BC.  There was no "colony of
> Israel", which was long gone - that was apart of the remnants of
> Alexander the Great's Greek empire.  The Gauls had already been in
> Europe a long while, having sacked Rome in 390 BC.
> >Denmark, the land of Dan, also comes from the ancient Israelite
> The land of the Danes
> >Dan was one of the tribes of Israel. And, the northern portion of
> >still known today as Jutland, actually means "land of the Jews."
> Nonsense.  The Jutes were a Germanic tribe that had no written history
> before 500 AD, but probably come from the Old Norse word Iotar.  The
> Danes were a Scandinavian tribe.  Dane comes from the Old Norse word
> "dene" meaning "lowland".
> >A later influx of Celts came into Europe from the east. These, too, were
> >from the house of Israel.
> http://member.rivernet.com.au/manxman/Celts/historycelts.htm
> > History:- The earliest found archaeological evidence associated with
> > the Celts places them in what is now France and western Germany in
> > the late Bronze Age around 1200 bc.
> Long before even King David.
> >The Celts lived in fortified villages, with a tribal organization that
> >became increasingly hierarchical as wealth was acquired. Priests, nobles,
> >craftsmen, and peasants were clearly distinguished, and the powers of the

> >chief became king-like. The Celts believed in a demonic universe and
> >on the ministry of the Druids.
> Doesn't sound like the worship of the God of Israel to me.
> [large quantity of irrelevant and often erroneous history deleted.
> The guy obviously collected information and misinformation from other
> websites and tried to make sense of it, without much knowing anything
> to start with.  He is hardly a historical reference himself.]
> lojbab

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