"Bob LeChevalier" <lojbab at lojban.org> wrote in message
news:h5m2nusa7g6f7isvou464cenom1us1ega1 at 4ax.com...
> >Probably the most intact race of White Christian Israelites are the
>> You mean the ones who accept the black man Pushkin as their great
> poet? The ones among whom more than half the people display physical
> attributes of Tatar (Mongolian) ancestry.
>> lojbab
Having walked past the Pushkin Museum many times with Russian or Finnish or
Swedish or American friends who never wanted to go inside, I've never even
seen the inside of it.
So I don't claim to be an expert on Pushkin, but am proud to inform you that
he's an embarassment to the Russian people and a disgrace to the Russian
The jews Berezovski and Gussinski liked to rub the Russians' noses in
Pushkin's mamzerism, which is a big reason the Russians literally *hate*
these two jews. Unfortunately, they fled Russia when Putin warned them that
they were "bankrupt", so we don't have the opportunity now to have a public
trial to expose their hideous agenda.
Did Pushkin's great-grandfather, a nigger, pollute the Russian Race? Not by
a drop. None of his descendants are still in Russia. Pushkin's youngest
daughter Merenberg moved to Germany, where it's certain that the German's
keep track of her racial lineage. Another great-grand daughter moved to
Bern, Switzerland, and had no children. Olga Georgievna Loris-Melikova
lived in Weisbaden, then moved to France. Alexander II's and Loris-Melikov'
s families are Pushkin's great-great-grandson Alexander Mikhailovich
Loris-Melikov (born in 1926), and his four children bearing Russian names
and living in Switzerland. Other representatives of this family possibly
live in Argentina, as one of Pushkin's granddaughters, Alexandra Nikolaevna
Merenberg, in 1914 married an Argentinean diplomat d'Elia (died in 1929).
She had no children and left all her fortune to the niece, Olga Georgievna
Loris-Melikova. That explains the latter's often trips to Buenos Aires.
Later Olga Georgievna moved all of her family to Argentina.
The Russians will keep track of Pushkin's descendants, and if any of them
come back to Russia, they'll be patently unmarriageable.
John Knight