On Sun, 01 Sep 2002 18:35:12 GMT, "John Knight" <jwknight at polbox.com>
yelled from the fourth floor ward window, and subsequently was
*>That was the original font, Bob.
*>Can't you find something better to complain about than font size?
*>The only reason for posting in html was to preserve some of the
*>formatting that would make it difficult to read otherwise.
*>John Knight
Damn, your dumb. Most of us do not get html in our news readers, so
the formatting you "preserved" looks like chit.
*>"Bob" <bobx23456 at hotmail.com> wrote in message
*>news:3D72474E.3000200 at hotmail.com...
*>> So, does it turn fiction into fact by printing it in larger type?
*>> Pathetic.
*>> Bob
*>> John Knight wrote:
*>> >
*>> >
*>> > Notice how James, the Lord's half-brother, addressed his
*>> > around A.D. 60: "James, a servant of God and of... Jesus
Christ, to
*>> > the TWELVE TRIBES [not just the two tribes of Judah and
*>> > which are scattered abroad [Gk. diaspora, "dispersed"]"
(1:1). James
*>> > did not address his epistle to just the Jews. Rather, he
*>> > his inspired letter to ALL the Israelites-"to the TWELVE
*>> > the Dispersion"(same verse, NRSV and Moffatt).
*>> > --