"Dan Holzman" <holzman at panix.com> wrote in message
news:akrpp1$2je$1 at panix2.panix.com...
> In article <1Fac9.36176$Ic7.2409232 at news2.west.cox.net>,
> John Knight <jwknight at polbox.com> wrote:
> >
> >You jews do not and cannot understand Israelite law.
> >
> >A "bastard" was a child of any Israelite who married a non-Israelite,
> >whether that Israelite was a man or a woman. There was no distinction
> >Israelite law:
>> You are incorrect, starting from the distinction you draw between Jews
> and Israelites. Everything based on this belief is similarly
> incorrect.
What you meant to say is: "It's my opinion that ... ".
Because it's only an opinion, and an opinion from a jew is about as
worthless as tits on a boar.
> >> It should be noted that a "bastard" does not mean someone who is the
> >> offspring of a Jew and a Gentile. A "bastard" means the same thing
> >> here as it does anywhere else: Someone whose parents were not
> >> married.
> >
> >A bastard4464 shall not enter935 into the congregation6951 of the
> >even to his tenth6224 generation1755 shall he not enter935 into the
> >congregation6951 of the LORD3068.
>> This does not contradict what I said.
>> >And a bastard [race] shall dwell in Ashdod, and I will cut off the pride
> >the Philistines, Zechariah 9:6
>> It should be noted that the word "race" here is John's addition, and
> not a paraphrase of anything actually written in Zechariah 9:6.
That is your first accurate statement. The brackets indicate that the word
was inserted by the writer.
This Holy Scripture makes absolutely NO sense if it were to refer to one
individual who was the product of adultery [as redefined by jews], or
"unmarried parents", would it.
Who cares if one single bastard lives in Ashdod? This is another KJV
special which was caught by most other translators:
(BBE) And a mixed people will be living in Ashdod, and I will have the
pride of the Philistines cut off.
(CEV) A mob of half-breeds will settle in Ashdod, and the Lord himself will
rob Philistia of pride.
(GNB) People of mixed race will live in Ashdod. The LORD says, "I will
humble all these proud Philistines.
(GW) A mixed race will live in Ashdod, and I will cut off the Philistines'
(RSV) a mongrel people shall dwell in Ashdod; and I will make an end of the
pride of Philistia.
The original Hebrew word which KJV still translates as "bastard" was
"mamzer", which is literally "mongrel". The English translation of the word
"bastard" did mean "mongrel" at the time the KJV translators wrote this, but
the meaning changed to mean an illegitimate child:
(KJV) And a bastard shall dwell in Ashdod, and I will cut off the pride of
the Philistines.
(KJVA) And a bastard shall dwell in Ashdod, and I will cut off the pride of
the Philistines.
This doesn't change the meaning of the Holy Bible, though, does it?
> >International Standard Bible Encyclopedia Refers to "Bastard Race"
> >
> >Bastard
> >
> >bas´tard In Deu_23:2 probably the offspring of an incestuous union, or of
> >marriage within the prohibited degrees of affinity (Lev_18:6-20;
> >Lev_20:10-21). He and his descendants to the tenth generation are
> >from the assembly of the Lord. (See Driver, at the place). Zechariah
> >(Zec_9:6), after prophesying the overthrow of three Philistine cities,
> >declares of the fourth: "And a bastard (the Revised Version, margin "a
> >bastard race") shall dwell in Ashdod," meaning probably that a "mixed
> >population" (BDB) of aliens shall invade and settle in the capital of the
> >Philistines. In Heb (Zec_12:8) in its proper sense of "born out of
> >and therefore not admitted to the privileges of paternal care and
> >responsibility as a legitimate son.
>> One is left to wonder if John actually reads what he posts, or if he
> simply deludes himself that it all supports his beliefs...
Which is why the correct translation into English today of the Hebrew word
"mamzer" is "mongrel".
The point is that the definition of "bastard" changed.
> ...because it didn't say this anywhere in anything he quoted.
> >
> >
> >In 1997, 2.3% of American marriages were interracial marriages.
>> On John's planet, if you're not yourself in an interracial marriage,
> you do not support interracial marriage. This is truly a unique
> definition of support.
The jews are working overtime in the media to promote miscegenation, so it's
amazing that only 2.3% of American marriages are mixed-race.
If the mixed-race marriages we're familiar with are any example, then not
even those in those marriages "support interracial marriage" any more, so
the real support may be less than 2.3%.
You jews certainly don't practice what you preach. While you're preaching
interracial marriages on TV and the news media, a jew who marries a non-jew
is kicked out of the synagogue, and even if the mother's a jew (which makes
the child a racial jew), it's still not considered to be a jew.
John Knight