brain sizes: Einstein's and women's

John Knight jwknight at polbox.com
Sun Sep 1 12:07:35 EST 2002

"Bob" <bobx23456 at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:3D719F92.6090300 at hotmail.com...
> John Knight wrote:
> > "Bob" <bobx23456 at hotmail.com> wrote in message
> > news:3D7180FF.5020602 at hotmail.com...
> >
> >>
> >>John Knight wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>>"Bob" <bobx23456 at hotmail.com> wrote in message
> >>>news:3D6FD54B.8070107 at hotmail.com...
> >>>>John Knight wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>>>Most of the White Races of the world are descendants of the
> >>>>>
> >>>>Nonsense.
> >>>
> >>>The reason the White Race in the US is referred to as "Caucasians" is
> >>>because they were the Israelites who were dispersed to the Caucasus
> >>>Mountains, who went from there throughout Europe.
> >>>You didn't know that?
> >>>John Knight
> >>>
> >>
> >>LOL   More nonsense!
> >>
> >
> > Here, read up on the history of the Israelites, Bob.
> >
> > John Knight
> As you point out there are many peoples who made up the peoples of
> ancient Europe.  Calling them all "Israelites" is utter nonsense.
> Bob

The Irish refer to themselves as Israelites.  Their laws and customs are
called Israelite laws.

We have no evidence that the Israelites who migrated to Israel (or maybe the
other way around--the Israelites who originally migrated from Ireland)
weren't 100% Israelite stock.

There's a lot of disinformation about the Israelites inter-marrying with
other races, and when you realize that this disinformation comes from the
same LYING race which propagated most of the other now-discredited
disinformation, you really can't trust a word of it.

John Knight

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