"Kenneth Collins" <k.p.collins at worldnet.att.net> wrote in message news:<w0gc9.4330$jG2.312872 at bgtnsc05-news.ops.worldnet.att.net>...
> Gigantic A-Hole wrote in message
> <5d0bf2be.0208311622.583c2544 at posting.google.com>...
> >"Kenneth Collins" <k.p.collins at worldnet.att.net> wrote in message
> news:<xeYb9.43920$Ke2.3090486 at bgtnsc04-news.ops.worldnet.att.net>...
> >> Marie shared the Physics Nobel in 1903 with Henri Becquerel and
> her
> >> Husband Pierre. She won the Chemistry Nobel in 1911 [unshared].
> Her
> >> daughter, Irene Joliot-Curie, shared the Chemistry prize in 1935.
> >>
> >> Marie's relationship with Pierre was as beautiful as any
> relationship
> >> between a man and a woman that I've ever heard of - full of
> 'light',
> >> 'quiet' mutual-caring, and invigorating scientific-interest.
> >>
> >> ken
> >
> >
> >Translation from feminese: He did the work and let her take the
> >credit for it.
>> Nope. Pierre's and Marie's working-relationship was 'just' that
> extraordinary, and Marie was Truly in-there, as a full participant in
> every way.
>> Pierre was a pretty-special guy. A little 'absent-minded' [he was
> reading in a notebook, while crossing a street, when he was hit by a
> work-wagon]. Highly-curious, even to a degree of being 'Child-like'
> in the way he was captivated with new stuff. He was always
> working-intensely, even while carrying a 'normal' Teaching load.
>> I'd've been fast-Friends with him if I'd lived back then, and, of
> course, if our paths crossed ['course I'd've probably been his
> custodian :-]. He was fairly without-Prejudice - open-minded,
> curious, accepting, encouraging of his students - had many original
> good ideas.
>> Marie Recognized all that, found its embrace, and all that was
> right-there, within-her, just 'Blossomed'.
>> Her work was, as I've described it, surely finding-itself in her
> vibrant interaction with Pierre, but genuinely her own work, and
> Truly-Heroic.
>> And she was a good Mother to boot.
>> The Curies led a rather 'quiet' existence, satisfied with their
> mutual interest in Science, and a warm home-life.
>> What's not to like?
>> >
> >I actually don't know this for a fact, but it sounds likely and it
> >also sounds like what a woman's only conception of a "beautiful"
> >relationship would be.
>> Well I'm a red-blooded-American-Man, if that makes any difference.
So you were born in the United Matriarchal State of America and red
stuff comes out when you cut yourself shaving? So?
You're as pussy-whipped as the average American male.
History is a recapitulation of things that never happened by people
that weren't there.
Women are always claiming credit for male accomplishment just BECAUSE.
I say that Marie Curie took credit for her husband's accomplishments.
Disprove it.