brain sizes: Einstein's and women's

John Knight jwknight at polbox.com
Sun Sep 1 10:43:52 EST 2002

"Bob LeChevalier" <lojbab at lojban.org> wrote in message
news:eg01nusnuj7d5ebk8ahlo312sqdlto80u9 at 4ax.com...
> "John Knight" <jwknight at polbox.com> wrote:
> >Really?  Where did White Europeans come from?  Where did the White
> >Israelites go?  Here's how Pontias Pilate described Jesus Christ:
> >
> >The Congressional Library in Washington, D.C., which contains an OFFICIAL
> >GOVERNMENT RECORD OF Pilate's correspondences, which records a meeting he
> >had with Jesus Christ. Plate stated on pages 137-139:
> You believe anything that you think supports you, don't you?  There is
> no such thing as "The Congressional Library" in Washington DC.  The
> government institution is called the Library of Congress.

"The first books were ordered from England and shipped across the Atlantic
in 11 hair trunks and a map case. The Library was housed in the new Capitol
until August 1814, when British troops invaded Washington and burned the
Capitol Building; the small ********congressional library******** of some
3,000 volumes was lost in the fire."

> There are NO "official government records that even MENTION Pilate,
> much less purport to be his writing.
> >The history of Pontius Pilate is known chiefly from some sources:
> >a) Greco- Roman. Pilate receives one mention in Roman sources, and in
> > connection with Jesus. Tacitus speaks of the execution of Jesus by
> > Pilate in the reign of Tiberius. Since Tacitus wrote ca. 115, and
> > Christian tradition could have supplied this scanty bit of
> > information, we are in effect bereft of sources, which are neither
> > Jewish nor Christian.
> >
> >Also Eusebius of Caesarea speaks in 4th century of his exile and suicide
in Gaul.
> >
> >b)  Jewish. Philo, in Legation to Caius 38, relates an incident about
Pilate and characterizes him.
> >
> >Josephus narrated three incidents of Pilate's governorship that
> > illustrate the difficulties faced by the Roman rulers in Judea.
> c) (discussion of Biblical passages deleted)
> >d)  Archeological. In 1961 a Latin inscription containing the words
> > Pontius Pilatus praefectus  Judaeae was discovered at Caesarea in
> > Palestine. This inscription gives the correct form of his title. The
> > inscription, which is incomplete, records his two known names but
> > does not give his first name - praenomen. The family name of Pontius
> > was fairly common throughout central and northern Italy at all social
> > levels and was the name of one consul of AD 17 and of another of AD
> > 37. The cognomen Pilate, from the Latin pilatus, means a pikeman, or
> > one armed with a pilum or javelin, or bald, or by another derivation,
> > shaggy. The name is extremely rare; hence the family connections of
> > Pilate remain uncertain. Also we don't know his first name. He was a
> > Roman equestrian of the Samnite clan of the Ponti; hence his nomen
> > Pontius. Also there are several legends about his origin, of which
> > one is that he was the bastard son of Tyrus, king of Mainz, and was
> > sent to Rome. There, so the story runs, he committed murder and was
> > exiled to Pontus in Asia Minor, were he made good and was rewarded
> > with governorship of Judea. It is far more likely, however, that as
> > the son of an eminent Roman family he underwent the usual diplomatic
> > training, succeeding through other minor posts to the procuratorship
> > of Judea - not a very coveted appointment in any case, and directly
> > responsible to the emperor himself.
> Thus all we have that is AUTHENTIC is a couple of mentions in passing
> by Roman historians, a few more mentioned by Josephus (which is
> probably firm evidence that there WAS such a man), and 1 Latin
> inscription of his name.
> lojbab

There's much written about Pilate, even in the Congressional Record.  The
jews attempted to re-write history to make it appear that Pilate was
mentally unstable and thus was the one responsible for crucifying Christ.
This of course conflicts with the Holy Bible:

Matthew 27:24  When Pilate saw that he could prevail nothing, but that
rather a tumult was made, he took water, and washed his hands before the
multitude, saying, I am innocent of the blood of this just person: see ye to

Matthew 27:25  Then answered all the people, and said, His blood be on us,
and on our children.

Who are "all the people" who were so intent on crucifying Christ that they
said "His blood be on us, and on our children"?  Why, jews, of course.

John 18:38  Pilate saith unto him, What is truth? And when he had said this,
he went out again unto the Jews, and saith unto them, I find in him no fault
at all.

Most of the people in Judaea at the time were Israelites, not jews.  It's
true that jews were 95% of the problems, which makes them seem like a bigger
proportion of the population, but even today jews are 95% of the world's
problems even though they are only .25% of the world's population.

John Knight

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