John Knight wrote:
> "Bob LeChevalier" <lojbab at> wrote in message
> news:mpfqruokfahj1akbsi4eatbimrldcq7hj6 at>>>JDay123 at (Jd) wrote:
>>>>>Then why on God's green earth if all humans have the capacity to
>>>understand that a Creator did indeed create everything and chose
>>>everyone before this creation, have 80% (your stats) of all
>>>Europeans chosen to believe the ToE which is absoultly silent
>>>concerning God Himself?
>>>>Because some people don't confuse believing in God with believing in
>>the 100% inerrancy of the Bible.
>>> The real reason is that Europeans are even more avid followers of the Holy
> Bible than Americans.
I assume you mean 'Europe *excluding* Britain', or are trying to be
humourous. I can't speak for the rest of the continent, but really, you
should try going into a British church and look at the age profile of
the congregation. Talk about God's waiting room...
If huge numbers of people *are* avidly following the bible, they're
being pretty damn secretive about it over here.
Dave Wilson