brain sizes: Einstein's and women's

Ian dont at need.it
Tue Oct 29 14:25:15 EST 2002

John Knight wrote:

> You've been given this reference numerous times, so why do you keep
> claiming
> that you never saw it?  Here is the complete article about the Gallup Poll
> which shows that, and I quote:  "Only 10 percent [of Americans] said they
> believe in evolution with no participation from God", and "Among
> scientists, only 5 percent hold the literal Bible view, 40 percent believe
> in theistic evolution and a majority, 55 percent, believe in evolution
> without help from God."

Because the so-called theory of evolution has no room for God.  It simply 
isn't necessary.  If God were a factor at all we would have arrived at this 
point millenia ago.  What would even be the need for evolution?  The 
existence of either God or evolution automatically renders the other 

Why can't anyone see that?  You either believe in one or the other.  Perhaps 
at a stretch I can imagine some Universal Energy being in the mix, but not 
something with the Will attributed to your God.

Wait until you die.  Then you'll see that I'm right.


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