Mockingbird & Rose Bushes

Kenneth Collins k.p.collins at worldnet.att.net
Tue Oct 29 12:04:31 EST 2002

Lest anyone get the wrong idea, I'm not 'trashing' Thomas Jefferson.

Clearly, we all are Indebted to the Ideals he set down on paper.

It's more that I 'weep for him, and all of us, who are, as Jefferson
was, bashed and battered by 'the beast', Abstract Ignorance [the
absence of understanding with respect to the manner in which nervous
systems process information via 'blindly'-automated TD
E/I-minimization within nervous systems which, nevertheless, do
process information via 'blindly'-automated TD E/I-minimization].

How much longer will Humanity continue to allow 'the beast' to
Dictate 'the way things are supposed to be' rather than lifting
itself up in understanding that sits, right-there, before it?

If folks look, they'll find all of this specifically addressed at the
end of AoK, Ap7: "A NOTE ON THE CONCEPT OF CONSCIENCE [...] Whether
or not [the mechanism of volition's [the subject of AoK, Ap7]]
potential as a moral mechanism is manifested is dependent upon how
the understanding of its functioning is used."

We see Jefferson's 'quandry' all over the place these days - it was
in the 'do it with mirrors' 'accounting' that broke our 'hearts' when
it was exposed earlier this year; it's in the way that folks peddle
violence to our Children despite the fact that time and again the
'marketed' violence is recreated in real life; it's in the way this
'group' or that 'group', around the world devalues the worth of
anyone who's not-like-self.

Even in the War that is now running its course, 'the beast' is
rolling on the floor laughing at the way it's induced folks, all over
the place, to attack one another, rather than attack, and slay, it.

Can't anyone see it?

No matter how many Innocent Lives are sacrificed, no matter how many
'terrorist' acts occur, no matter how many bombs are dropped, the
'Enemy' - that which rends Humanity apart - will go right on rending
Humanity apart.

Why not seek and destroy that which so mercilessly imposes such upon

Why not send 'the beast', Abstract Ignorance, to Hell where it
belongs, instead of 'thrashing-about', Killing, Destroying and
Devastating,  in the Agony that it has imposed upon Humanity since
the beginning?

Why not?

k. p. collins

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