brain sizes: Einstein's & women's

Gray Shockley gray at compcomm.com
Tue Oct 29 00:20:52 EST 2002

On Mon, 28 Oct 2002 22:07:05 -0600, """John Knight""" wrote
(in message <JPnv9.45909$C53.1994929 at news2.west.cox.net>):

> You are a LIAR and a slanderer, lojbab.


I can't really believe that.

That message was to me and I've read the references he gave.

Seem pretty accurate to me.

I really hate to inject race into this - I'm sure you're above that sort of 
thing - but, from my observations, you're "white trash".

Unless, of course, you're - in actuality - a grad student in psy researching 
replies to a fictional being who is a complete racist, a narcissistic 
psychotic and an entity who can only have a sense of "worth" by putting other 
people down.

Cuz - sure as God made little green apples - the website which """John 
Knight""" claims, is a satire on rationality.

And ""John Knight"" is a yellow-back coward. Whoever s/he/it is.

Again: """John Knight""" is a coward.


Gray Shockley
"Swinehood hath no remedy." - Sidney Lanier

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