"Bob LeChevalier" <lojbab at lojban.org> wrote in message
news:qqflruor7hc9ig0ev71eb0nh8884am11sj at 4ax.com...
> Gray Shockley <gray at compcomm.com> wrote:
> >On Sat, 26 Oct 2002 1:31:59 -0500, Bob LeChevalier wrote:
> >
> >> I gather from this comment that you are aware that this subhuman has
> >> served prison time precisely for being a deadbeat dad?
> >
> >From someplace, I had gotten the idea that it (he?) might be a criminal.
> >tried to look it up on the Internet but all I got was one reference to
> >Knight Cox" and I have no idea if these two are the same supposed
>> I don't think so. The latter is Nevada County and the guy is in
> custody. We might wish the guy were in custody, but he has too much
> net time.
>>http://www.feminista.com/v1n3/wilson.html>http://www.echonyc.com/~onissues/w97paranoia.html> give some of the history of Knight and the Fathers Manifesto
> phenomenon. Knight is also believed to have published, under the
> alias of Daniel Amneus, a book called "The Garbage Generation".
>>http://www.gate.net/~liz/fathers/fathers.htm> has what purports to be a picture of him, though she doesn't say where
> it is from.
>> You can probably read more looking for the "Father's Manifesto", if
> you can avoid his 15 zillion sites that he has his garbage stashed at
> around the net
>>http://www.geocities.com/fathersfiasco/> has some of the "better" quotations from his past debates, and is a
> worthwhile commentary on his contribution to society. (Although his
> site is so full of howlers that there is no problem finding them
> yourself.)
>> lojbab
You are a LIAR and a slanderer, lojbab.
Do you really think you'll always get away with the LIES and the slander?
Don't bank on it.
John Knight