brain sizes: Einstein's and women's

John Knight jwknight at polbox.com
Mon Oct 28 22:10:19 EST 2002

"Dave Wilson" <testaccount2002 at btopenworld.com> wrote in message
news:3DBA9B4F.6040104 at btopenworld.com...
> Cary Kittrell wrote:
> >
> >     Although it is seldom aired in public, there is a sharp debate
> >     among scientists today about almost every aspect of evolutionary
> >     theory. The controversy is not over evolution per se, but over
> >     the means by which it happened. The crux of the issue is not
> >     evolution, but teleology
> >
> >
> > <and it's not the other 91% of Americans who are the STUPID ones.
> >
> > Of course, out of the "91%" you claim, 4% had no opinion,
> > so right there we have a typical John Knight non-Jewish LIE --
> > rather like the that plus-or-minus 3% margin of error in the
> > TIMSS which you arbitrarily decided needed to be minused
> > from those poor girls' scores (another non-Jewish LIE)--
> > and another 40% say the believe that "Human beings have
> > developed over millions of years from less advanced forms
> > of life, but God guided the process".  Hardly sounds like
> > Genesis to me.  Sounds more like intelligent Christians.

First of all, you already know that this is an intentionally misleading
question, don't you, cary?

The Holy Bible describes a genealogy of human beings that may not span more
than 3,000 years, so anyone familiar with the Holy Bible (like perhaps the
264 million Americans who proclaim, when asked, that they're Christians)
can't answer any of these question honestly.  It's true that 3,000 years is
"within the last 10,000 years", but the wording causes misleading responses
even though someone may 100% accept creation by God as described in the Holy

It's disingenuous for a "polling organization" like Gallup to ask a
Christian whether or not God "guided" a process "over millions of years"
when most Christians don't even accept a timeframe for the creation of man
longer ago than 6,000 years.  Such wording enables those who "believe in
evolution" to proclaim that 49% of Americans "believe in evolution", which
is an inaccurate assessment.  Even with this biased, anti-Christian phrasing
of the questions, only 9% of Americans claimed that they believe that life
was created by "evolution" rather than by God, cary.

That is a FACT.  How many of those 4% who claimed that they had "no opinion"
said that because NONE of these answers fit the teachings of the Holy Bible,

How many Christians would answer such a question this way simply because it
"comes closest" to their views, but still doesn't accurately represent their
actual opinion?  From this single question, we just don't know, and no
Gallup Poll ever answers that question definitively.   Their previous
question gets us closer to the truth, but it still avoids that key question,
doesn't it?

John Knight

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