Mockingbird & Rose Bushes - CLARIFICATION

Kenneth Collins k.p.collins at worldnet.att.net
Mon Oct 28 21:24:48 EST 2002

    Kenneth Collins wrote in message ...

    Leon Lederman:



    "3. The unification of all the fundamental forces in nature. Supersymmetric string theories offer a promising prospect in this regard."

    I inadvertantly carried-over, from the Author's writing, too much. What I addressed was, more succinctly:

    "3. The unification of all the fundamental forces in nature. [...]"

    I view "string theorys' " greater-than-4 'dimensionalty' as being analogous to Ptolemaic "astronomy's" "epicycles" - artificially-'complex' maths-convenience stuff standing-in for unrealized simple stuff.

    solved. [already discussed online]


    [All quotes Copyright 2002, by PBS.]

    I Apologize for what must seem like my 'lack-of-humility'.

    k, p, collins

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