"Bob LeChevalier" <lojbab at lojban.org> wrote in message
news:mpfqruokfahj1akbsi4eatbimrldcq7hj6 at 4ax.com...
>JDay123 at BellSouth.net (Jd) wrote:
> >Bob LeChevalier <lojbab at lojban.org> wrote:
> >>JDay123 at BellSouth.net (Jd) wrote:
> >>>>Well, it seems that we have a difference in Christian theology between
> >>>>us, since I do not believe in there being an "Elect" or "Chosen" of
> >>>>God. God will accept any of us, his children, who turn to him. God
> >>>>gave us free choice, since only if we choose God freely is our worship
> >>>>at all meaningful.
> >>>
> >>>No problem. I respect anyones right to express their views,
> >>>especially on religion. But how can anyone freely choose God unless
> >>>God first reveal Himelf to them as being available for the choosing?
> >>
> >>The Bible is there for anyone to read. So are the televangelists on
> >>the TV. If one chooses to, one can open oneself to the Lord.
> >>
> >>>Now I'll offer support for my view that God does the choosing by
> >>>showing that Jesus chose his disciples instead of the disciples
> >>>choosing him...
> >>
> >>There is no question that He chose his disciples; that was reported
> >>explicitly in the Bible.
> >>
> >>>And my view is that since God Himelf did the choosing before the
> >>>formation of the earth, our salvation in Jesus Christ is composed of
> >>>the element of eternal security.
> >>
> >>But His "choosing" before the formation of the earth was a choosing of
> >>ALL of mankind, IMO. He CHOSE to give us free will that we may in
> >>turn CHOOSE to worship him.
> >
> >Then why on God's green earth if all humans have the capacity to
> >understand that a Creator did indeed create everything and chose
> >everyone before this creation, have 80% (your stats) of all
> >Europeans chosen to believe the ToE which is absoultly silent
> >concerning God Himself?
>> Because some people don't confuse believing in God with believing in
> the 100% inerrancy of the Bible.
The real reason is that Europeans are even more avid followers of the Holy
Bible than Americans.
> >>Of course there have been plenty of evangelists who seem to have been
> >>speaking of God in order to access the till of donations.
>> >Well, you could say the same for "scientists" i.e. they are only
> >spreading rumors so they can get more and bigger research dollars
> >from Uncle Sam via the tax payers.
>> If you don't like it, make sure you never use any modern medicine, or
> a computer, or anything else which would probably not exist without
> those Uncle Sam Research dollars.
>> lojbab
You "liberals" trust government too much to ever comprehend that almost NO
"invention" or "discovery" can be attributed to the "US government". Just
like in Russia, the vast majority of these innovations you refer to above
could NEVER have occurred without private R&D.
The main difference between Russia's scientific research and ours is that we
had private enterprise available to invent, develop, and productize
technology that the Russians can't even afford to manufacture any more. The
microcomputer in the US would be in the same state it's in in Russia had it
not been for our [former?] free enterprise system.
John Knight