Kenneth Collins wrote in message ...
>Let us Show-the-way.
>>Let us Teach Freedom.
>>Let us Breath-Life into such for all people, everywhere.
How does one Teach Freedom?
Does one go at it by meeting with others and saying, "Look here,
here's what you folks have got to do"?
Where's the "Freedom" that derives in such?
There is none - not even for the one doing the telling of 'what has
to be done'.
When one tells others 'what they must do' all one's doing is
Dictating to folks, and that's the antithesis of "Freedom", isn't it?
Such creates TD E/I(up) which 'points-right-back' at one's self.
But, when one looks around in our 'modern times', one sees Killing,
Destruction, and Animosities growing all over the place. In such, one
discerns, clearly, that there is a need for action toward the purpose
of 'steering' Humanity back into line with Hope.
And how can one say anything about such without saying, "Look here,
here's what you have to do.?
One takes action through looking-deeper.
One comes to understand the wellspring of the Killing, Destruction
and Animosities within nervous systems.
And one addresses the need for action in the Light of that
universally applicable understanding.
You know... it's what's been done in NDT.
Forgive me, please, but the 'map' to our collective Future was laid
at "your" feet decades ago because I saw, a decade prior to that,
that, unless that understanding was developed and promulgated,
Humanity would find itself where Humanity, now, finds itself.
The route out of this morass derives in Teaching, Generously, how
nervous systems process information.
Then, and only then, will Humanity be able to reach consensus with
respect to what it is that each of us can do with respect to our
mutual goals for our Children, and for the Future of all of us
Without promulgation of understanding [the very Fruits of our
collective Labors in Neuroscience] with respect to how nervous
systems process information via 'blindly'-automated TD
E/I-minimization, TD E/I-minimization will continue to 'blindly' and
automatically Dictate Killing, Destruction and Animosity.
Why not use the understanding that makes Freedom Possible?
Why not Breathe-Life into Freedom in this way?
Why not have a meeting, in Neuroscience, to begin the Teaching?
Why not?
NDT has already been Tested in every conceivable way.
Hammer on it, and it only grows stronger.
It won't break.
Why not use it's Tested stuff?
Why not shine its Light upon Humanity's Travail?
Want one last Test?
Send me to Iraq.
If they'll receive me, I'll Teach them.
There's 'time' before the bombs fall, no?
k. p. collins