Re. brain sizes: Einstein's and women's

Bob LeChevalier lojbab at lojban.org
Mon Oct 28 08:50:52 EST 2002

JDay123 at BellSouth.net (Jd) wrote:
>Bob LeChevalier <lojbab at lojban.org> wrote: 
>>JDay123 at BellSouth.net (Jd) wrote:
>>>>Well, it seems that we have a difference in Christian theology between
>>>>us, since I do not believe in there being an "Elect" or "Chosen" of
>>>>God.  God will accept any of us, his children, who turn to him.  God
>>>>gave us free choice, since only if we choose God freely is our worship
>>>>at all meaningful.
>>>No problem.  I respect anyones right to express their views,
>>>especially on religion.  But how can anyone freely choose God unless
>>>God first reveal Himelf to them as being available for the choosing?
>>The Bible is there for anyone to read.  So are the televangelists on
>>the TV.  If one chooses to, one can open oneself to the Lord.
>>>Now I'll offer support for my view that God does the choosing by
>>>showing that Jesus chose his disciples instead of the disciples
>>>choosing him...
>>There is no question that He chose his disciples; that was reported
>>explicitly in the Bible.
>>>And my view is that since God Himelf did the choosing before the
>>>formation of the earth, our salvation in Jesus Christ is composed of
>>>the element of eternal security.
>>But His "choosing" before the formation of the earth was a choosing of
>>ALL of mankind, IMO.  He CHOSE to give us free will that we may in
>>turn CHOOSE to worship him.
>Then why on God's green earth if all  humans have the capacity to
>understand that a Creator did indeed create everything and chose
>everyone before this creation,  have 80% (your stats) of all
>Europeans chosen to believe the ToE which is absoultly silent
>concerning God Himself?

Because some people don't confuse believing in God with believing in
the 100% inerrancy of the Bible.

>>Of course there have been plenty of evangelists who seem to have been
>>speaking of God in order to access the till of donations.

>Well, you could say the same for "scientists" i.e. they are only
>spreading rumors so they can get more and bigger research dollars
>from Uncle Sam via the tax payers.

If you don't like it, make sure you never use any modern medicine, or
a computer, or anything else which would probably not exist without
those Uncle Sam Research dollars.


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