Re. brain sizes: Einstein's and women's

Jd JDay123 at BellSouth.net
Mon Oct 28 05:06:53 EST 2002

Bob LeChevalier <lojbab at lojban.org> wrote: 

>JDay123 at BellSouth.net (Jd) wrote:
>>I knew an American negro one time who was constantly worrying about
>>his younger brother stealing from him.  Since they both moved into
>>the same apartment, he had to give his younger brother a key.  Lo
>>and behold, he came to work one day all peed off because his brother
>>had stolen his VCR, camcorder, and a few other things.
>>I get the impression  that for some reason blacks think that if you
>>don't get caught, stealing is not only OK but it's a way of life
>>much like it was a way of life for indians to steal horses from
>>neighboring tribes.  To them, horse thievery was almost like a rite
>>of passage into manhood I suppose.
>>In all fairness whites have been known to steal too, but I don't
>>recall ever hearing of any of my white friends being ripped off by
>>their own brothers or sisters.  
>You must have a small circle of friends.  I've had to punish my kids
>for doing so multiple times, both from each other and from us.  I had
>one (white) high school friend whose mother called the police on him
>because she was tired of his stealing from her.

Then look at the prison statistics and crime statistics. 


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