darth_versive at yahoo.com (darth_versive) wrote on 27 Oct 2002:
> Marcus Metzler <marcus.metzler at schunter.etc.tu-bs.de> wrote
> in message news:<3DBA7630.98502C11 at schunter.etc.tu-bs.de>...
>> "Arthur T. Murray" wrote:
>>>> > http://www.scn.org/~mentifex/progman.html is the chapters of a new
>> > AI textbook based on modeling the brian in accordance with
>> > http://www.scn.org/~mentifex/theory5.html -- a Theory of Mind.
>> >
>>>> Sorry for intruding unasked (and maybe neither scientifically
>> and proper English using all the time), but after reading through
>> those two pages I just want to add some ideas around those.
>> But I think those models need some more input to enhance them.
[... See upthread for previous discussion; followup-to news:comp.ai ]
>> I can't imagine how AI could possibly model the human
> capacity for higher-level thought (conceptual frameworks,
> cognitive schema, etc.). Psychologists today can't even
> do it for *human* cognition, where they have all the
> "working models" available to study that they would need.
Mind-1.1 has just been updated in JavaScript for MS Explorer at
http://mind.sourceforge.net/index.html -- for AI Textbook use.
>> I think AI that models human consciousness is science fiction.
> The most we can hope for is AI that is structured to do specific
> limited tasks, and for which the skill level for the performance
> of these tasks can possibly be influenced somewhat by environmental
> input, but all this would have to be designed in by those humans
> with "true" consciousness.
>> DV