Gray Shockley <gray at> wrote:
>On Sat, 26 Oct 2002 1:31:59 -0500, Bob LeChevalier wrote:
>>> I gather from this comment that you are aware that this subhuman has
>> served prison time precisely for being a deadbeat dad?
>>From someplace, I had gotten the idea that it (he?) might be a criminal. I
>tried to look it up on the Internet but all I got was one reference to "John
>Knight Cox" and I have no idea if these two are the same supposed criminal.
I don't think so. The latter is Nevada County and the guy is in
custody. We might wish the guy were in custody, but he has too much
net time.
give some of the history of Knight and the Fathers Manifesto
phenomenon. Knight is also believed to have published, under the
alias of Daniel Amneus, a book called "The Garbage Generation".
has what purports to be a picture of him, though she doesn't say where
it is from.
You can probably read more looking for the "Father's Manifesto", if
you can avoid his 15 zillion sites that he has his garbage stashed at
around the net
has some of the "better" quotations from his past debates, and is a
worthwhile commentary on his contribution to society. (Although his
site is so full of howlers that there is no problem finding them