Mockingbird & Rose Bushes - RETRACTION

Kenneth Collins k.p.collins at worldnet.att.net
Sat Oct 26 03:43:59 EST 2002

It could be done in real-'time' on a modern PC, but only for the user of that PC, which'd leave that PC's user 'cussing-out' everyone else for being so 'blind'.

Share the program?

I do it in my head - but, if anyone needs more than what's in the post quoted below, I can show others how to write the program [in person, this sort of stuff for a consultant's fee]. Hint: do it first with abstract graphics, then couple those isolated 'traces', via a merge algorithm, to a 'body-language' [facial expression] thing. It's really a straight-forward databasing app. Only thing 'beyond' an individual programming-team's control is the need for participation of a cross-section of members of individual cultures.

But that's what needs to happen, See?

Folks experiencing their individual reactions to the Same-Stuff, mapping it amongst cultures, then mirroring it back in a culturally-selectable interface, so that folks can grasp the reality which, so far, has 'blindly' and automatically induced them to 'devalue' 'not-self'.

Why don't I do it?

I've used myself up begging for the last ~20 years.

Can't live on air.

The thing that's probably a 'show-stopper', though is that the u. s. government would declare it a "weapons system", and reserve its use to themselves.

And then it wouldn't be of any use because it'd just tell them what they 'want' to hear :-]

"See this? We knew it all along. Buy more bombs, those other guys won't like this. But there it is. We told you so."

''Their TD E/I-minimization is the 'correct' TD E/I-minimization.''

Yeah sure.

k. p. collins
    Kenneth Collins wrote in message ...
    Kenneth Collins wrote in message ...
    Vint Cerf:
    "[..] a most fascinating challenge is to adapt the architecture of the Internet to work in an interplanetary setting [...]"
    I've not worked on 'interplanetary internet' stuff. In my prior response, I was addressing the earth-bound problem of actualy using the internet to achieve international understanding. My work, here, entails the use of an 'intermediate layer' in which the stuff of folks of various nations is 'interpretated' or 'interpolated' with respect to the TD E/I that their comments, etc. will evoke within other populations. This would occur via a graphical interface, and would [will?] be a great boon to international understanding. It would, of course, require supercomputers in the intermediate step, but the interface can be as simple as a mechanized facial-expression algorithm. It'll work because TD E/I is a universal 'language', in which, although directionalities are widely-divergent, interpretation is universally-consistent when TD E/I is 'plugged-into' a graphical interface that emulates 'body-language'.
    The 'scope' of such interpretations can be 'scaled' from small populations to the whole international population, but there is a hierarchy involved - Initially, the larger the interpretive population, the more 'fundamental' the inputs will have to be to register anything beyond a 'blank expression'. This circumstance will, however, gain finnesse over 'time' as folks use this mechanism.
    This is the same stuff, BTW, that I've been working to accomplish, sans graphical interface, via all of my work on the internet. Give folks the means to understand their own-stuff within the 'big picture', via simple 'language'.
    I've given no thought to 'interplanetary applications of an internet', and expect I won't have 'time' to do so.
    [All quotes Copyright 2002, by PBS.]
    I Apologize for what must seem like my 'lack-of-humility'.
    k, p, collins

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