On Tue, 22 Oct 2002 9:38:25 -0500, John Knight wrote:
>>> Each and every welfare queen ought to be made to pay all those welfare
>>> dollars back to the White Christian Israelites who "loaned" them to them,
>>> or be exiled.
Gray Shockley <gray at compcomm.com> wrote:
>> If you think those welfare queens are bad, have you heard about the
>> "deadbeat
>> 'dads'" (and the smaller number and percentage of "deadbeat 'moms'")?
>>>> Don't you believe that "deadbeat dads" should be stoned to death as an
>> example of how we should treat these queens?
On Sat, 26 Oct 2002 1:31:59 -0500, Bob LeChevalier wrote:
> I gather from this comment that you are aware that this subhuman has
> served prison time precisely for being a deadbeat dad?
>From someplace, I had gotten the idea that it (he?) might be a criminal. I
tried to look it up on the Internet but all I got was one reference to "John
Knight Cox" and I have no idea if these two are the same supposed criminal.
> If not you have a mindreading talent.
There is that but mind-reading does not work with Ms/MrMrs/Miss Knight or the
Day entity. They are similar - or so it seems - to a book with blank pages.
Or - perhaps more accurately - a book with nothing within except scribbling
which cannot be understood by adults.
> lojbab
Gray Shockley
For eight years a prisoner of
The Democratic Republic of Reston