brain sizes: Einstein's and women's

Bob LeChevalier lojbab at lojban.org
Fri Oct 25 15:18:00 EST 2002

JDay123 at BellSouth.net (Jd) wrote:
>"John Knight" <jwknight at polbox.com> wrote: 
>>"Evolution" is a tiny example of how scientists discredited themselves,
>>rather than Christianity, by trying to prove that the Holy Bible's account
>>is wrong.  Less than 9% of Americans, but half of American "scientists",
>>accept the "theory of evolution" as is, and it's not the other 91% of
>>Americans who are the STUPID ones.
>>John Knight
>50% .91%?  Gosh I didn't know so many rejected the ToE.  Thanks for
>the info,  I'll have to keep this message for reference.

Don't bother; it is baloney, and you'll just make a fool of yourself
if you quote it.  The nincompoop is choosing to count those who accept
the Theory of Evolution and who consider that God might play a part in
directing evolution (which science in fact neither includes or
excludes) as rejecting the ToE.  This isn't even "lying with
statistics"; it is simply "lying".

gives two different poll results (one is the Gallup poll summarized at
the top and in the article, but the sidebar gives some startling
different results that are not discussed in the article so we don't
know where they come from.

Note that this is peculiar to America.  In Europe, support for the
TofE is much stronger, over 80%

Luckily, however, science (and reality in general) is not decided by


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