Neuroscience Teaching Software

Richard Vickery Richard.Vickery at unsw.edu.au
Fri Oct 25 02:07:42 EST 2002

I teach neurophysiology to medical and science university students.  Like 
many institutions we are gradually phasing out wet labs (despite strong 
opposition from most of the teaching staff).  What I am charged with 
doing is finding some interactive teaching material that might replace 
some of our practical labs.  Does anyone on this group have any concrete 
recommendations?  A replacement for the toad sciatic nerve preparation is 
high on the list.

We use Elsievier's OPAL neuroscience module and some in-house patch 
clamp demonstration software.   We have a Monash Uni toad sciatic 
program, but use it to assist with the dissection rather than as a prac 
replacement.  I have a copy of Neurons in Action (built on NEURON) coming 
in the post.  Any other suggestions?


Dr Richard Vickery                  
Medical Sciences               
UNSW, Sydney, Australia                        

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