On Thu, 24 Oct 2002 18:51:49 -0500, John Knight wrote
(in message <pI%t9.17354$C53.691234 at news2.west.cox.net>):
> "Evolution" is a tiny example of how scientists discredited themselves,
> rather than Christianity, by trying to prove that the Holy Bible's account
> is wrong.
I've never heard of that many scientists trying to prove the Christian Bible
wrong, that's more of a sophomore-type thing. The entire idea of the Bible
"contradicting" science is, basically, an outgrowth of the "whoopie cushion
sects of religion" such as Moonies, Christian Identity and Scientology.
Most scientists - when questioned about religion in connection with their
jobs - will either declare it irrelevant or try and explain it to the poor
misguided sophomore asking the question that science is - basically - about
the "external world" and religion is more about the "internal world".
> Less than 9% of Americans, but half of American "scientists",
> accept the "theory of evolution" as is,
Is this another one of your lies ? From reading your posts and the responses
to them, I would immediately think anything you quote as "fact" is a lie
which you make up as you tiptoe through the tulips.
> and it's not the other 91% of
> Americans who are the STUPID ones.
Is it just thou, then?
Gray Shockley