Re. brain sizes: Einstein's and women's

Gray Shockley gray at compcomm.com
Thu Oct 24 23:28:02 EST 2002

On Thu, 24 Oct 2002 18:44:16 -0500, John Knight wrote
(in message <kB%t9.17318$C53.689739 at news2.west.cox.net>):

> "Jd" <JDay123 at BellSouth.net> wrote in message
> news:3db8661a.6049968 at newsgroups.bellsouth.net...
>> Bob LeChevalier <lojbab at lojban.org> wrote:
>>> JDay123 at BellSouth.net (Jd) wrote:
>>>> LOL!  I remember some of those wiccans quoting the bible too!  It's
>>>> ridiculous.  The pagan thingy goes like this... " I don't believe in
>>>> your God but this [insert a Christian quote] is what He told you to
>>>> do".
>>> Has it never occurred to you that many of those who have chosen NOT to
>>> follow the Book have studied it carefully before choosing something
>>> else?  They also have to deal with people trying to convert them all
>>> the time, so they get plenty of opportunities to learn the key
>>> teachings of the Bible.
>> No, it never occured to me.  I did not choose to "follow the book"
>> or to even follow God.  God Himself chose me.  After that I figured
>> it was a good idea to read His book.  Now if you're telling me you
>> know folks who have the ability to actually choose God reguardless
>> of what God Himself has decided, well, I think you've been misled by
>> those folks.
>> Jd
> *Reading* the Holy Bible and *comprehending* it are two entirely different,
> unrelated, and sometimes contradictory phenomenon.  Most American 12th grade
> girls *read* math and physics books, but TIMSS proved behyond the shadow of
> all doubt that their *comprehension* of these subjects was ZERO, or LESS
> than zero http://christianparty.net/timssphysics.htm
> Most of the 900 million niggers in Africa READ, or had read to them, the
> Holy Bible, but do you think they understood even ONE word in it?  They will
> argue with you until the sun comes up that "thou shalt not steal" does NOT
> mean "thou shalt not steal".  If they don't get that one, you can bet they
> don't and can't get the rest.

You mean they're like "deadbeat dads"?

Gray Shockley
Everything is always the worst it's ever been.

> John Knight

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