Kenneth Collins wrote in message ...
>How can stuff, so detailed, that doesn't derive in one's experience,
>but which is, nevertheless so cogent, 'pop-into-awareness' within
>one's sleep consciousness?
It's preliminary, but I think I solved this problem while I was out
picking up leaves this morning.
It's an instance of "dynamic subordinate coupling" [AoK, Ap5 & 7].
What's 'stunning' about this 'solution' is that it vividly extends
the dynamic subordinate coupling stuff into the concept of
The 'Professional formatting' in the dream isn't 'unusual'. I read
excellently-formatted newspapers routinely.
I've obviously learned what's entailed, but my writing-behavior
"active phase" [AoK, Ap5, 7, 8] isn't coupled to that learning, at
least not in a superficially-detailed way. [I think the waking
subcouple is an innoccuous form of 'rebellion' :-] I can write [AoK's
got a 'funny' style - 6-page paper and 10 appendices that run for
100+ pages, but it's written OK], but most of the writing I do is
on-the-fly, during which I'm 'translating', also on-the-fly, between
the way I think and dynamically selecting verbal symbols. I don't
'worry' about goodness-of-fit all that much because I'm actually
working to communicate the underlying stuff.]
Anyway, in my dreaming-sleep-'consciousness', my brain just did the
'formatting' in accord with my waking-consciousness reading
That I don't write in the same way is another thing - a
differentiated subordinate couple.
I enjoyed sorting this stuff out. It's just a small change to the
dynamic subordinate coupling stuff, but that stuff is now hugely more
than it was before I went out to pick up the leaves - and it was
already huge prior to that. Dynamic subordinate coupling enters into
everything that occurs within the nervous system, and it's all
tuneable, via TD E/I-minimization, in accord with experience :-]
My position remains that what happens during 'sleep consciousness' is
that relatively-current experience is integrated within 'memory'. As
I've discussed in the past, it's why 'sleep consciousness' is
necessary - to enaple cross-correlation amongst stuff that doesn't,
necessarily, occur in-lock-step during waking consciousness. Since
the substrate for memory occurs as a function of neural activation,
'sleep' takes care of the physically-real necessity of their being a
physical driving of TD E/I-minimized loop circuits, which just
wouldn't occur if memory was 100%-dependent upon caking experience.
During 'sleep consciousness', everything can be 'rubbed-up-against'
everything else, without constraints deriving in any external
experiential environment. One can actually see the TD
E/I-minimization dynamics in the so-called 'sleep stages'.
Anyway, Dynamic subordinate coupling is highly-dynamic - all the way
out to the most-detailed [most-microscopic] 'levels' of neural
activation. And 'personality' does 'trundle-along' in-there,
preserved in the 'mix'.
k. p. collins