Good-TV Alert

Kenneth Collins k.p.collins at worldnet.att.net
Thu Oct 24 19:38:50 EST 2002

The correlated web site at PBS.org is:



Kenneth Collins wrote in message
<9cit9.18649$Mb3.634419 at bgtnsc04-news.ops.worldnet.att.net>...
>When it first came out, I enjoyed reading Dava Sorbel's [sp?]
>excellent account, _Longitude_, which told the story of John
>Harrison's efforts in perfecting the Chronometer.
>The problem of "longitude" is analogous to the main problem that
>stood in the way of the going-forward of Neuroscience - the
>'coordinate' system was incompletely-reified.
>Tonight, on _Nova_ [PBS, 8:00pm], Harrison's story will be delivered
>in the TV medium.


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