Re. brain sizes: Einstein's and women's

John Knight jwknight at polbox.com
Thu Oct 24 18:44:16 EST 2002

"Jd" <JDay123 at BellSouth.net> wrote in message
news:3db8661a.6049968 at newsgroups.bellsouth.net...
> Bob LeChevalier <lojbab at lojban.org> wrote:
> >JDay123 at BellSouth.net (Jd) wrote:
> >>LOL!  I remember some of those wiccans quoting the bible too!  It's
> >>ridiculous.  The pagan thingy goes like this... " I don't believe in
> >>your God but this [insert a Christian quote] is what He told you to
> >>do".
> >
> >Has it never occurred to you that many of those who have chosen NOT to
> >follow the Book have studied it carefully before choosing something
> >else?  They also have to deal with people trying to convert them all
> >the time, so they get plenty of opportunities to learn the key
> >teachings of the Bible.
> No, it never occured to me.  I did not choose to "follow the book"
> or to even follow God.  God Himself chose me.  After that I figured
> it was a good idea to read His book.  Now if you're telling me you
> know folks who have the ability to actually choose God reguardless
> of what God Himself has decided, well, I think you've been misled by
> those folks.
> Jd

*Reading* the Holy Bible and *comprehending* it are two entirely different,
unrelated, and sometimes contradictory phenomenon.  Most American 12th grade
girls *read* math and physics books, but TIMSS proved behyond the shadow of
all doubt that their *comprehension* of these subjects was ZERO, or LESS
than zero http://christianparty.net/timssphysics.htm

Most of the 900 million niggers in Africa READ, or had read to them, the
Holy Bible, but do you think they understood even ONE word in it?  They will
argue with you until the sun comes up that "thou shalt not steal" does NOT
mean "thou shalt not steal".  If they don't get that one, you can bet they
don't and can't get the rest.

John Knight

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