Bob LeChevalier wrote:
> >>>Sure Bob. They also felt nice and comfy in the days of Noah.
> >>
> >>What does this have to do with the above discussion? Noah has nothing
> >>to do with evolution, or with static or changing environments (a
> >>sudden, one-time, flood might wipe out species, but hardly constitutes
> >>the sort of changing environment that would cause new ones to emerge.
> >>Nor does he have anything to do with race.
> >
> >Obviously they thought they had adapted their "environment to fit
> >us" (your words) but were completely wrong.
>> 4000 years ago, we had not nearly adapted our environment to the
> extent that we have done so in the modern era.
Additionally, the Noah story would have been a prime
example of humans adapting the environment to suit their
needs - building a boat to allow themselves to live on the
sea, where they otherwise would've drowned.
Besides, even failure to survive does not mean that one
could not adapt - only that one didn't.