Mockingbird & Rose Bushes

Kenneth Collins k.p.collins at worldnet.att.net
Wed Oct 23 22:35:32 EST 2002

Anyway, it's 'funny'. There're all these 'trash' behavioral dynamics
happening all over the place... nukes in North Korea, threats to and
from Iraq, with it's attendant disharmony at the UN, dissolution of
Government in Northern Ireland, the bombings in Bali and elsewhere,
the hostage situation in the heart of Moscow, and the 'sniper' in the
Washington, D. C. area.

I look out at this stuff, see that NDT's understanding addresses it
all, and see, simultaneously, that, although NDT represents the best
stuff that I could do on behalf of folks all over the place, for
decades I've been treated in a sort of "inverted" way.

I've reached out to so many folks, but folks have just 'moved away
from' dealing with NDT's stuff.

What's "inverted"?

Well, folks are 'reacting' to my efforts as if NDT's stuff is
something 'bad' - like what the sniper's doing.

Only, I'm not being hunted. Just 'caged'.

It's all so 'interesting'.

What's Good is 'bad' - "inverted" behavior.

I understand what's entailed.

Folks're 'afraid' that, if they acknowledge' NDT's understanding,
there'll folow 'heat' with respect to the still-extant
non-acknowledgement of NDT's understanding.

That's the main thing. The main behaviroal/cognitive dynamic.

Pretty 'wimpy', no?

Meanwhile, all the good that NDT's understanding could bring about is
'blocked', and in its stead, all this Evil stuff is taking place.

It will continue, so, until some folks find their Greatness, and do
what needs to be done.

It's all so Senseless. Attack Iraq when, if only the 'government'
folks who I approached with NDT's understanding would've just allowed
the understanding to come forward, rather than treating it as 'the
enemy', there'd be no need to attack Iraq. There'd be no need for
Parents, in the Washington, D. C. area, to fear for their Children.
There'd be no blowing-people-to-pieces all over the place.

When I look, I see Cowardice and Treachery in 'high' places.

I thought about such last night. It didn't used to be that way. What
I came up with is that the folks in 'high' places in Washington, D.
C. have grown-so, into the protectif 'coccoon' in which they exist,
they've completely lost-touch with all capacity for making thoughtful
decisions. You know, the stuff that 'normal' folks do because
they're, right-there, in-touch with, and in the midst of, all the
'cross-purposes' with which 'normal' folks must deal during the
courses of their day's living. Makes for thoughtful decisions.

It used to be that one could just walk the streets at night, and just
have a pleasant time of it. But not anymore. When I searched for the
difference between then and now, the thing that became
immediately-apparent was this 'isolation'-within-familiar-security
that's been growing ever since the Kennedy assassinations.

The loss is so great that leadership can no longer  think on behalf
of 'normal' folks, who've no such 'security'-blanket, and this
imbalance has resulted in leadership thinking and doing stuff that
abandons the Citizenry.

An instance is with respect to NDT's understanding.

K. P. Collins

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