
Aerochick aerochick at earthlink.net
Wed Oct 23 12:42:59 EST 2002


My doc wants me to see a Neurologist - I hate to waste anyone's time for
something minor, so I'm going to see what you think:

I have nerve damage in my hand due to heart surgery (seems there's a nerve
going from your heart to your right shoulder, down to your right hand into
the fingers... this now prohibits me from using my hand as before- I'm an
artist, so this is really a huge loss for me personally...)

I have had (for years!) periods of time where my skin suddenly (and for no
apparent reason) feels like one huge bruise and it is painful to be
touched...  anywhere...  It is usually worst on my legs and torso. This can
last for 1/2 a day to a few days at a time.

I have peripheral pain in my feet and hands... in my hand when I inhale it's
like a rush of pain to my right hand's fingertips.

My memory isn't the best, but it never has been...  lately I feel
disconnected, but it might be because of the constant discomfort...

I had a CT scan years ago for sinus surgery where the sinus doc saw a
golf-ball-sized white spot behind my eye (can't remember left or right).
When I asked about it, he asked if I had headaches or mood swings.  When I
answered, "no", he said that he wasn't going to worry about it.  When I
asked "why not", he answered that he would have to cut from one ear to the
other, across my eyebrows, lift off my face etc., to find out what it is,
and that if it's not causing symptoms, it's best to leave it alone.  This
was about 10 years ago.

Is there any serious reason for me to go to see a neurologist?  My feeling
is that these guys are very specialized and good ones are hard to find, so I
hate to go in on something that either 1.) they can't do anything for; or
2.) is very minor in comparison to other patients, hence I would be taking
time away from those more needy than I.

Thanks very much!

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