Mockingbird & Rose Bushes

Kenneth Collins k.p.collins at worldnet.att.net
Tue Oct 22 22:55:05 EST 2002

I experienced a wonderous thing the other day [2002-10-20].

When I went outside, there was a mockingbird singing its 'heart' out,
crisp and clear, in all its virtuosity.

Struck me as 'strange' because mockingbirds' singing is correlated
with their mating season, which isn't due, here in New England, until
~June of 2003. [To my knowledge, Fernando Nottabahm [sp?] didn't
study mockingbirde, but I presume his work with other songbirds
holds. He found strong seasonal neural hypertrophy correlated with
the singing of his subjects.

Which is why this cold-weather mockingbird's singing seemed, to me,

Gave me a big, melodius, 'hug' the other day.

Report on Mom's rose bush. If folks recall, this is the bush that I
wrote about, years ago, because it, then, routinely blossomed on, or
about, my Mother's birthday - Nov. 07.

It was trying to blossom this year -two robust new shoots - but just
couldn't pull it off.

It's 'funny'. It grew one shoot back in September - straight, and way
up, about 2 feet over my head. This shoot had one blossom right at
its extremity.

When I checked earlier today, the blossom had only one petal, having
color, left.

Kind of reminded me of the 'magical' blossom in Disney's _Beauty and
the Beast_.

One petal left.

The frost will probably take it this night.

No "Belle".

Just "the beast"... without hope?

There's still the one petal.

The frost will probably take it this night.

It's 'funny' how these things happen, no?


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