Re. brain sizes: Einstein's and women's

BradHAWK BradHAWK at tourette.net
Mon Oct 21 13:08:56 EST 2002

Jd wrote:
> "John Knight" <jwknight at polbox.com> wrote:

> If the ToE is in fact true, a new human species will eventually
> evolve, which at the onset might appear to "liberals" as beings
> claiming "super-race" status (which of course couldn't be
> tolerated).

	On the other hand, there is currently only one Species of human.

	It certainly is possible for humans to evolve into a new
species, but it won't necessarily be "superior" - evolution
is not guided, except by the conditions which encourage or
discourage particular traits, and those traits are only
superior insofar as they encourage survival of their possessors.

	It could even happen that a new species is "inferior" (eg,
less intelligent) than the current human average.

	But again, there is currently only one Species of human.


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