Re. brain sizes: Einstein's and women's

Bob LeChevalier lojbab at lojban.org
Sat Oct 19 22:26:27 EST 2002

"John Knight" <jwknight at polbox.com> wrote:
>The reason the word "liberal" is always in quotation marks when addressing
>morons like lojbab is that it's an insult to the English language to use
>such a previously good word to describe the STUPIDITY of someone who would
>argue that races don't exist at the same time that they argue that anyone
>who challenges their STUPIDITY is a "racist".
>It's become obvious that such "liberals" use this term as a mere debate
>tactic because they "think" they score some kind of debate points whenever
>they repeat media mantra that they can never hope to fully appreciate or

That rather sounds like the way you use the word "liberal", as well as
"jew" and several other words that you abuse.


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