Re. brain sizes: Einstein's and women's

John Knight jwknight at polbox.com
Sat Oct 19 19:39:48 EST 2002

"Cary Kittrell" <cary at afone.as.arizona.edu> wrote in message
news:aoput2$4q6$1 at oasis.ccit.arizona.edu...
> In article <3db06837.2047602 at newsgroups.bellsouth.net>
JDay123 at BellSouth.net (Jd) writes:
> <cary at afone.as.arizona.edu (Cary Kittrell) wrote:
> <
> <>In article <3dadd5de.2865416 at newsgroups.bellsouth.net>
JDay123 at BellSouth.net (Jd) writes:
> <><cary at afone.as.arizona.edu (Cary Kittrell) wrote:
> <><
> <><>In article <3dad80ca.6155264 at newsgroups.bellsouth.net>
JDay123 at BellSouth.net (Jd) writes:
> <><><
> <><><"John Knight" <jwknight at polbox.com> wrote:
> <><><
> <><><>
> <><><>"Jd" <JDay123 at BellSouth.com> wrote in message
> <><><>news:3da610ab.35954736 at news1.lig.bellsouth.net...
> <><>
> <><>    {...}
> <><>
> <><><>
> <><><>There's really nothing more to discuss.  We need to do exactly what
> <><><>Founding Forefathers like Thomas Jefferson would have done--take
> <><><>action to rid the nation of this scourge of jews and muds.
> <><><>
> <><><>John Knight
> <><><
> <><><You're right, there isn't anything left to discuss.  Even so, I keep
> <><><on keeping on less they be the only ones saying anything.
> <><>
> <><>Well then, lest my question in response to John's above paragraph
> <><>go unanswered, perhaps you will answer for him:
> <><>
> <><>[john]
> <><>
> <><>        There's really nothing more to discuss.  We need to
> <><>        do exactly what our Founding Forefathers like Thomas
> <><>        Jefferson would have done--take decisive action to
> <><>        rid the nation of this scourge of jews and muds.
> <><>
> <><>[me]
> <><>
> <><>    He would have, would he?  Really?
> <><>
> <><>    Well, then, why didn't he?  He was enormously
> <><>    influential early on. And then he became President.
> <><>    Commander in Chief.  Widely respected.  The national
> <><>    leader.
> <><>
> <><>    So?  Why didn't he, if this is what "Thomas Jefferson
> <><>    would have done"?
> <><
> <><Why didn't he?  At that time, minorities weren't racists like they
> <><are today so he didn't have to.
> <><
> <>
> <>Well, you got me there.  White Christians pretty much had the
> <>lion's portion of racism back then.
> <>
> <>What's wrong, don't like sharing?
> <>
> <>
> <>-- cary
> <
> <Is there a NAAIP (for Italians)? No.
> <Is there a NAAGP (for Germans) No.
> <Is there a NAAJP (for Japanese) No.
> <Is there a NAAWP (for white people) No.
> <
> <Why?  Well I presume they think that they don't need an association
> <to help them advance themselves because they figure they can advance
> <themselves own their own within the framework of freedom and
> <liberty.
> <
> Were there millions of Italian slaves?  Germans?  Japanese?
> Dd white folks ever legally mandate separate water fountains for
> Japanese?  We're there laws forbidding my marrying an Italian?
> Were thousands of Germans lynched by nightriders, in a climate
> of indifference from the law?  Was an Italian taking his life
> in his hands if he sat at a white man's lunch counter?  Was
> a Japanese woman expected to give up her seat on the bus
> for a white man?
> You get the idea...
> -- cary

The absolute worst form of discrimination was the systemic problem called
"affirmative action" which did to White men something that made niggers
sitting in the back of the bus look like a party.

If American niggers didn't have White men around to pay the $800 billion per
year in taxes which fund JUST the welfare which is paid JUST to niggers, the
back of the bus would be far, far more luxurious than the mud huts they'd
now be sitting in.  In fact, the back of a White-built BUS is a NICER place,
than the places many American niggers live today, which were ORIGINALLY
built by Whites, but which in a few short years can look worse than a mud
hut in Africa.

Our multi-trillion dollar "experiment" in "multiculturalism" was a complete
and total WASTE of taxpayers' money.  We gained NOTHING from it, except a
court system that let's niggers get away with murdering 12 White men a day,
and nigger music, which shouldn't even be allowed in the back of a bus.

We need to restore American niggers to the pristine African condition the
jew slave traders originally found them in--and nothing less.

Yup, we get the idea ...

John Knight

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