cary at (Cary Kittrell) wrote:
><Which beggs the question "how could such a thing happen within
><spittin' distance of Washingto D.C."? Could it be that most of the
><folks in that area can't carry firearms and the sniper knows it?
><Which beggs another question "why can't folks carry firearms to
><protect themsleves".......
><Which begs the answer...... "liberals".
>>>Which begs the question: why did the shooter decide to move
>his activities from Maryland, with its strict gun controls,
>to Virginia, with its quite permissive gun legislation (or
>lack thereof).
Furthermore, what earthly good would carrying a gun have, when no one
until possibly the last attack even saw the guy?
The guy is apparently a superb shot, probably has an automatic or
semiautomatic weapon, and is firing from cover. If anyone drew a gun,
he'd probably be dead in an instant, long before he even saw anyone to
point the gun at.