It seems that whatever sleep pattern you choose, the goal should be REM
sleep. In studies done on students that were awakened anytime they went
into REM sleep, their ability to remember what they had studied for the day
suffered dramatically - almost to the point of not being able to learn at
It has been put forward that our dreams are actually our brain's way of
organizing the day's data into patterns that we can retrieve at will and
have no other real significance. This study (I will look for a link for
you) seems to bear that out.
Jim Hubbard
"me" <freqwinci at> wrote in message
news:G71q9.9677$b5.1082169 at
> Can anyone out there recommend any good quality information about the
> potential benefits/drawbacks of alternative sleeping patterns (ie,
> patterns other than the standard 8-9 hour burst overnight)?