I have found that most medical and scientific words are based on latin root
words. Leukocyte, for instance, means "white" (leuko) "cell" (cyte).
"Erythro" means "red" so an erythrocyte means "red cell". Phago means "to
eat" so a phagocyte is a cell that eats. Interleukin is an enzyme exchanged
"between" (inter) white cells. Complements are biochemicals that complement
(help) the the adaptive immune system in fighting germs.
I therefore recommend any medical terminology book, my favorite being
entitled "Medical Terminology" by Barbara A. Gylys and Mary Ellen Wedding.
It is really fun to read and very rememberable.
Even politics can be broken down to root words. "Poli" is Latin for "many",
and "tics" are "blood suckers". That was a joke! (Gee... I hope you don't
get in trouble laughing out loud!)
Once you pick up the root words, there is more you can do to become
proficient. I used to studder a lot. When I sleep better, take vitamins
(especially those that have B12), and even work out, I am very good at
minimizing studdering. When I see a fine beauty, I practice the words by
saying I like her... (pick some scientific words). When someone is sick, I
combine the root words to come up with a medical term for the illness.
Practicing speech is a must to fight studdering. I always pretend I am a
doctor, a lawyer, a presidential candidate, or a lecturer, and will present
my case to my cats or to an imaginary audience. Forgive me, but I always
welcome religious missionaries who knock on my door just so I can practice
the art of persuasion. :-) I also listen to public speakers such as Bill
O'Reilly to study their style. It always helps to have friends that love to
debate... especially if the friends don't get offended. I always pick a
topic that they are interested in.
Now, a lot of people think I'm smart. I sure have them fooled! Good luck!