Re. brain sizes: Einstein's and women's

Jd JDay123 at BellSouth.net
Wed Oct 16 16:46:37 EST 2002

cary at afone.as.arizona.edu (Cary Kittrell) wrote: 

>In article <3dad8181.6338591 at newsgroups.bellsouth.net> JDay123 at BellSouth.net (Jd) writes:
><cary at afone.as.arizona.edu (Cary Kittrell) wrote: 
><>In article <d2iq9.145286$S32.10306136 at news2.west.cox.net> "John Knight" <jwknight at polbox.com> writes:
><>    {...}
><><But, compared to what's happening WITHIN the US, what's happening in
><><Palestine is MINUTE.  Just in the last 6 weeks:
><><2,077 AMERICANS were murdered!
><><4,846 AMERICANS died in traffic accidents!!
><><3,566 AMERICANS committed suicide!!!
><><2,890 AMERICANS died of cirrhosis.
><><3,592 AMERICANS died of AIDS.
><><7,127 AMERICANS died of diabetes.
><><9,661 AMERICANS died of the flu and pneumonia.
><><62,254 AMERICANS died of cancer.
><><84,691 AMERICANS died of heart disease.
><>And ten Americans shot by a sniper got far more ink than the above.
><>-- cary
><Which beggs the question "how could such a thing happen within
><spittin' distance of Washingto D.C."?  Could it be that most of the
><folks in that area can't carry firearms and the sniper knows it?
><Which beggs another question "why can't folks carry firearms to
><protect themsleves".......
><Which begs the answer...... "liberals".
>Which begs the question: why did the shooter decide to move
>his activities from Maryland, with its strict gun controls, 
>to Virginia, with its quite permissive gun legislation (or
>lack thereof).
>-- cary

I don't know. Why?


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