Bob LeChevalier <lojbab at> wrote:
>"John Knight" <jwknight at> wrote:
>>> Now if you want us to believe that the difference between races is
>>> supernatural in nature, then indeed science has nothing to say. But
>>> if there is a supposedly natural basis for race, then science should
>>> be able to detect it. But of course it cannot.
>>>>The Holy Bible IS "science", by every definition of the word, and it DOES
>>*scientifically* describe the differences between the races, in GREAT
>>Learn how to use a dictionary.
>(You are wrong.)
>>>It is an extreme minority "opinion" that science can't determine race.
>>Probably 100% among the scientists.
>(You are wrong.)
>>the STUPID jews in Israel use *science* to determine if jews are jewish
>>enough to qualify for the "law of return".
>>You've said it a lot, but no one believes things that you say.
>(You are wrong.)
>>>DNA studies PROVE that the
>>genetic differences between niggers and Asians are just about as big as the
>>genetic differences between niggers and apes.
>>You've said it a lot, but no one believes things that you say.
>(You are wrong.)
>>>> Science is quite relevant to race - it says that there are no races
>>> other than the human race. And race would not be an issue at all, if
>>> racists like you did not make it an issue. It certainly is not one of
>>> the most important issues of today.
>>>>If it's not THE most important issue of the day, you jews and "liberals"
>>wouldn't go postal every time a "White Man" stood up for his RACE, would
>>You call this "going postal"??? I do this for FUN. You are a JOKE!
>>>You can't even WAIT to insult a WHITE MAN, can you?
>>Just nutcases like you, who would be a nincompoop no matter what color
>you were painted.
>>>You IDIOT "liberals"
>>and jews and feminazis have used every word and trick in the book to attempt
>>to CURTAIL this simple discussion about RACE, haven't you?
>>Over a thousand posts in this thread and you think we are trying to
>"curtail" it? It won't be curtailed, until the "cur" wanders off with
>its "tail" between its legs. That's YOUR decision, buddy-boy!
>>>> Where is science used to pass laws dealing with race in the following?
>>> That a law mentions "race" does not mean anything about how race is
>>> determined. And as I've said, in practice, race is generally based on
>>> self-identification - you are whatever race you say you are.
>>>>If a nigger has 1/16th nigger ancestry and says he's "White", he's a LIAR,
>>because the law will not permit him to simply claim that he's "White".
>>The law permits him to say whatever the hell he wants.
>>>Many state laws prohibit niggers with 1/64th nigger ancestry from simply
>>proclaiming that they're "White".
>>Prove it.
>(You are wrong.)
>>>BUT, more important than that, it's impossible in the age of the internet
>>for a nigger to hide his nigger ancestry from the public, which means that
>>he cannot continue to spread his miscegenation without lots of people being
>>aware of it. And this gives White parents the opportunity to preserve their
>>White RACE.
>>Except that you have no information about most of the hundred
>generations before you, any one of which could have involved a black
>person because nobody gave a damn more than a few hundred years ago.
>EVERYONE is a mongrel by default, and cannot prove otherwise.
>(You are wrong.)
If whites are not a superior race then why do negros keep getting
lighter and lighter as a result of cross-breeding?