Canadian Undergraduate Journal of Cognitive Science
(Issue #2 - Spring 2003)
The Canadian Undergraduate Journal of Cognitive Science is an electronic
journal published by the Cognitive Science Student Association at Simon
Fraser University. Our aim is to provide a forum for students to share
work amongst peers and gain valuable experience in the process of
getting an academic paper published. As a publication, CUJCS provides a
unique reference for students, showcasing quality research by other
undergraduate students, improving the contact and exchange of ideas
between Canadian students and cognitive scientists alike, and
illustrating the interdisciplinary work that is the hallmark of
cognitive science everywhere.
Although preference will be given to Canadian students, contributions
from students elsewhere are strongly encouraged.
Journal topics include, but are not limited to:
- artificial intelligence
- computational linguistics / natural language processing
- neuroscience
- philosophy of mind / psychology / language
- cognitive & biological psychology
- history of cognitive science
In particular, we would like to encourage submissions that cross the
traditional disciplinary boundaries.
Executive Editor:
Chris Mathieson
Post-baccalaureate Diploma student
Simon Fraser University
E-mail: cogsci at sfu.ca
Editorial Committee:
Taiya Bartley (Simon Fraser University)
Kris Fjoser (Simon Fraser University)
Clayton Hickey (Simon Fraser University)
Jeremy Holman (Simon Fraser University)
Clement Loo (University of Calgary)
Adrienne Neill (Simon Fraser University)
Karen Stilwell (Recent alumnus, University of Toronto)
Dave Suarez (Simon Fraser University)
Kimberly Voll (Masters student, Simon Fraser University)
Kelly White (University of Toronto)
Doug Yovanovich (Simon Fraser University)
Accepted papers are published in full in PDF electronic format and are
available free of charge at the following URL:
All submissions must be in English, clearly written and in sufficient
detail to allow the referees to assess the merits of the work. Papers
should be no longer than 5000 words / 15 pages, double spaced, and
should conform to one of the popular style guides, such as the MLA, APA
and IEEE formats. (Technical details of these formats are available at
various places online).
Please forward three hard copies, no later than January 15, 2003, to the
following address:
CUJCS Submissions
c/o Cognitive Science Student Association
Simon Fraser University
Burnaby, BC V5A 1S6
Please note that papers will not be returned.
To ensure a blind review process, each of the hard copies provided with
the initial submission must be accompanied by a cover page listing the
appropriate contact information. This information should not appear
anywhere else in the paper. Failure to abide by these rules may result
in immediate rejection.
Submissions will be reviewed based on the following general criteria:
Relevance to a Broad Audience; Technical Merit; and Clarity of Presentation.
Authors will be notified of acceptance by February 28, 2003. Accepted
authors will then be able to make minor revisions as suggested by their
For the final submission, due April 3, 2003, papers must be submitted
electronically with any necessary revisions in either PDF or PostScript
format, to the following address: cogsci-journal at sfu.ca. The final
version must follow the style standard put forward in the author kit
sent to the authors of accepted papers (it will be a variant of the APA
Please note: papers arriving late or exceeding size limits may be
rejected immediately without refereeing. Should you suspect you might
have trouble meeting any of the above deadlines, please inform us
immediately. The receipt of all submitted papers will be acknowledged by
In keeping with the editorial policy of another cognitive science
journal, "Connexions", we are of the opinion that papers submitted to
our journal will usually be samples of work-in-progress. As such,
acceptance in CUJCS should not impede publication of a later version in
traditional journals. The copyright of all contributions remains with
their authors.
January 15, 2003: deadline for initial paper submission
February 28, 2003: notification of acceptance
April 1, 2003: revised papers due
April 21, 2003: publishing date for Issue #2, CUJCS
Please direct any questions, comments or concerns to cogsci-journal at sfu.ca.
For more information see http://www.sfu.ca/cognitive-science/journal/