"John Knight" <jwknight at polbox.com> wrote:
>> There are historical records in *many* countries indicating that
>> Germany declared war on the US a couple of days after Pearl Harbor.
>> We did not need to declare war on Germany.
>>The jew Roosevelt
So now you are claiming that a Jew was elected president more than 50
years ago in addition to all the judges and cabinet members and
congressmen? And if he was, then Teddy must also have been a Jew,
because according to you White Christian Israelites never miscegenate,
which pushes it back to 100 years ago.
>did everything in his power to force Germany and Japan to
>attack first, at the very same time he LIED to the American people that
>their sons wouldn't be fighting in a world war.
>>The Germans took a lot of hits before they finally declared war.
Churchill was doing his best.
>> >> >The vast majority of the rest of the world were opposed to it,
>> >>
>> >> I'm sure, but the Japanese did not give the Chinese, the Koreans and
>> >> the southeast Asians a choice.
>> >
>> >Another war which wouldn't have happened if Jacob Schiff, an "American"
>> >"banker" [read: a JEW] hadn't funded both sides of the Russo-Japanese
>>>> What does that have to do with the Japanese invasion of China?
>>The invasion of China was funded from the same source as the Russo-Japanese
>War--the jew Schiff.
Schiff died in 1920, well before the Japanese invaded China. Your
conspiracy theory fails again, nincompoop.
>Wouldn't Israel be a better target than Iraq. Isn't Ariel Sharon a far
>bigger war criminal than Sadam Hussein?
No to both.