"Lance O. Lake" <hammer at stakepounders.us> wrote in message
> > We moved to this continent less than 500 years ago and within 400 years
> > developed one of the most successful economies on the planet, with world
> > class educational institutions, the most advanced R&D ever known, and
> > once highest personal savings level ever.
> >
> > The first BIG mistake was letting welfare queens, criminals, and LIARS
> > niggers and jews become citizens. The next bigger mistake was
> > the requirement that only Whites can immigrate, and the BIGGEST mistake
> > not shipping all the welfare queens back to their countries of origin.
> >
> > But that's really easy to correct http://christianparty.net/poll.htm> >
> > John Knight
> >
> You left out deadbeat dads, the slimiest scum you can find. Boys who can't
> become men.
> Lance
> >
Ok, Lance, let's compare notes here. Let's start with American mothers, who
compared to American fathers are:
59 times as likely to murder their children.
78% of the perpetrators of serious child abuse.
Half as likely to be employed.
Four times as likely to raise their children in poverty.
The source of only 10% of family incomes.
Three times as likely to kill their children in an auto accident.
Twice as likely to hire a killer to murder their spouse.
Five times as likely to be acquitted for the same crime.
16% less likely to be imprisoned if convicted of the same crime.
Twice as likely to kill their spouse with a knife.
One fifth as likely to be a murder or suicide victim.
42 times more dangerous to children than firearms.
Twice as likely to be absent from work.
One eleventh as likely to be killed in the work place.
One 14,000th as likely to be killed in battle.
Negative contributors to the federal tax base.
In possession of 3 1/2 billion fewer brain cells.
Undesirable as politicians.
Three fifths of the perpetrators of domestic violence.
100% responsible for the murder of 40 million American babies in the womb.
100% responsible for rearing 30 million children who weren't genetically
linked to their own husbands.
100% responsible for LIES which put 1 to 2 million innocent American men in
1/6th as likely as fathers to be ordered to pay "child support" and pay an
average of only two thirds of what fathers pay
Twice as likely as fathers to fail to pay anything at all and pay less than
4% of all child support payments due.
14 times as likely to receive AFDC.
More likely to receive food stamps, be separated or never married and have
10% more children per household than married families.
Women as a group receive $98 billion more back from the IRS in tax credits
than they pay in taxes and half of women-owned firms have annual receipts of
less than $10,000 with average receipts one fourth of men-owned firms,
making Small Business Administration loans another hidden source of welfare
for mothers.
Even after all these social transfer payments, four out of five mothers
receiving AFDC still live below the poverty level compared to only one out
of eight mothers who don't receive AFDC and female householders are still
five times more likely to live in poverty than married couples.
Can you even IMAGINE what your miserable little life would be like without
all those "dead beat dads" you jews love to denigrate?
John Knight